Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

@Faith-and-Hopethinking of you this evening161084500_5138588859545723_3089161709099582297_o.png


Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Thanks so much @Former-Member ..... it was a hard day today.  You must have known something 💞


I hope you are managing okay.

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

You will get through this @Faith-and-Hope and out the other side. You won't be the same person at the other end, and will view life and people very differently, but you will get through. He used you, you were a function. And for that he most definitely does not deserve you. You are too different. He needs someone more like him, and it sounds like he found it. Abusive people are hollow inside, that's why they find it so easy to replace you. They lack the capacity for true connection because they are inherently self-focused and all decisions and relationships are self-serving.......there will be relief for you once you are free of him. Corny Heart

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

❤️ @Corny 

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......


Smiley Happy

Keep up fluidsKeep up fluidsGrace in all workGrace in all work

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

❤️ Thanks @Appleblossom ..... really appreciate it.

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......



with you @Faith-and-Hope Heart


Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

❤️❤️❤️ @Shaz51 

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Just dropping in for a check in @Faith-and-Hope . I'd love an update. I've just read back and it seems as though you are going through a really rough patch. 
hugs incoming
