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Re: Wives caring for Husbands

@tyme thank you for passing bye. Anxiety and sadness are upon me as the day comes closer to an end. I just want to cry right now but I have to make dinner for the family. 

Hope you are doing well.🫂

Re: Wives caring for Husbands

@tyme @Healandlove @Shaz51 not doing great again tonight, nothing I say is right so I’ll try silence. I’m thinking I’m not good at listening or being a carer. Tonight I was told we shouldn’t be together anymore? Why can’t life be normal? I want normal, I want happy. I’m tired of being dragged into the hole…everyday there is something wrong 

Re: Wives caring for Husbands

Hey @Tootsy ach sorry to hear it's been a crap one. Something that comforts me sometimes is to remember, 'I will never have to do today again'. Are you able to do something nice for yourself this evening? 

Re: Wives caring for Husbands

Ohh hugs @Tootsy , @Healandlove ❤️❤️ sitting with you sending you understanding hugs 🫂 

Years ago when  my husband had said " these last 10 years have been my worse years ever ' 

We were married 10 years 😭

We have got passed that now 

Re: Wives caring for Husbands

@Shaz51 🥺😭, and @Tootsy , that's their mental health challenges speaking.


My husband's narrative is how he is OK with not being happy,  his feelings don't matter, he is OK to be the seen as the bad one, the black sheep and he should die. He did once say that i would be happy if he died. That cut me through. After all the love, understanding and support I have give him, he could still say something like that. I was so hurt, I told him that that's what he wishes for himself and not what I wish for at all. 


@Tootsy , I completely understand.  I also want peace and normal. It is exhausting being the strong one and the shield for my children. I try to take as much time for myself as I can. Please know it's not you. It is their narratives due to the mental health challenges they are going through. 

You can only do so much. I have learnt to dissociate a bit where I can.

Holding your hand as you go through this. I know it's not easy, love yourself,  know you are a good person trying your best. It is not your words but how mental health challenges makes them perceive the world.

Please look after yourself 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Here for you 🫂

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