23-09-2018 09:52 PM - edited 23-09-2018 10:00 PM
23-09-2018 09:52 PM - edited 23-09-2018 10:00 PM
Hello @BlueBay - so sorry it has taken me awhile to respond. I don't get on the forums much now as I am so busy but want you to know that I care for you and your welfare.
I read what your latest psychiatrist said about you suffering everyday hardships and the despair over your financial situation. In my life I have been from riches to rags from rags to riches and can relate to both. If I was given a choice of giving up my money now to regain my husband's health from cancer and for my daughter's safety I would give up all my money in a minute. It's hard to struggle financially but sometimes we overlook the good things we have - health, family, friends, love "which is priceless". Look at what you have. Don't compare your life with your friends but look at what you have, not what you haven't. People on Facebook can seem to be having great lives but all carry some burden or suffering.
If what your psych said about why you are feeling SI and depressed is correct - everyday hardships, I think counselling would be best for you. As meds correct a chemical imbalance and if that's not the cause of your depression etc I can't see how it will help. Do you think the hormonal imbalance menopause may be causing some depression? Something to discuss with your medical professionals.
I can relate to your struggle. I work for our local community centre (I am glad to see you took my advice and contacted them for food etc), where I see countless people who struggle to put food on the table after paying the mortgage or rent, people who are ill and cannot work and the homeless. I can tell you that you are not alone as the majority struggle with debt and finances to some degree and it's common unfortunately. And it's getting worse.
Can you rent a room in your house for additional income?
There are services that can help you get buy - but nothing can buy the love you have with your granddaughter and family. So many don't have this. Keep your focus on this and you will feel better.
The community centre can also help or refer to financial advisors who may be able to give sound advice that can help you save some dollars and keep afloat. Thinking of you xxx ❤️
23-09-2018 10:42 PM
23-09-2018 10:42 PM
Meant to say that I am still glowing after the Sunday night grand final game. Was actually there watching my home team "the mighty Roosters" bring it home!!! What a great game it was!!!!!!
24-09-2018 02:42 PM
24-09-2018 02:42 PM
Hi @Former-Member@Shaz51@saturnzoon@outlander@Zoe7@Faith-and-Hope
i had a really bad night. I woke up at 12 then at 3am. I couldn’t get bs k to skeep. I started crying thinking about our home and do we sell. I don’t know I’m so confused about my life. Woke up with a terrible headache and today my blood pressure is very high.
Need to calm myself down.
24-09-2018 02:57 PM
24-09-2018 02:57 PM
have you had a cuppa @BlueBay, I will have one with , sitting with you xxx
24-09-2018 03:00 PM
24-09-2018 03:00 PM
The more stressed you get the worse you will feel Hon and that starts feeding in on itself.
Trying to calm yourself is essential to helpre duce all those other negative feelings @BlueBay. It is a vicious cycle - you feel sick and can't work and the lack of money coming in makes you feel worse and you can't then get off that roundabout. The more your body is under stress the more likely you are to feel unwell - so trying to stay calm is a good first step. There are some things your can't change but you have to just live with for now - other things you can work on and those are the things you need to spend your energy on BB. Have you been for a walk today - that little bit of exercise will help you feel a bit better and also distract you for a while.
24-09-2018 03:22 PM
24-09-2018 03:22 PM
Thanks sis @Shaz51
ive just had a cuppa.
@Zoe7 I’m calm now. I called my GP snd waiting for him to csll back. I’m positive it’s all stress. I know people will say don’t stress or worry but it’s hard. It’s a vicious cycle you’re right.
I’m so glad I’m seeing my psychologist this Wednesday. I so need to talk to her.
I’ve taken some pain relief snd just resting a bit.
24-09-2018 03:32 PM
24-09-2018 03:32 PM
Glad you called your gp BB and also that you see your psych this week. Resting is good too if you are not feeling well @BlueBay
Yesterday was a big day so you are probably still feeling the effects of all the work you did for it Hon.
It is easy to say don't stress but so much harder to do - we both know that. It is worthwhile though trying to only deal with the things you can control right now and one is your health - you have done well to call your gp and reach out for support here - and you have taken pain relief and resting to help with your headache... hopefully that helps a little.
When are you working this week?
24-09-2018 05:32 PM
24-09-2018 05:32 PM
I just got a call from gp. He said my blood pressure is too high and wants me to have a 24 hr monitor Thursday till Friday.
He said if headaches get worse then def ring back.
I ended up going fir a 30 min walk with hubby. Home now and nit in mood to organise dinner.
Zoe I work tomorrow and Wednesday and then Thursday is my day off and Friday is public holiday for AFL grand final.
I just hope I can sleep tonight.
Hiw are you? Are you better than yesterday?
24-09-2018 05:41 PM
24-09-2018 05:41 PM
I am feeling a little better this afternoon than I have been over the last couple of days @BlueBay I have slept on and off all day but definitely feel better after eating something. I will have something light for dinner - maybe just a salad. What are you having tonight?
Make sure to keep the water up to help with your headache Hon My BP went up with meds I was on but has come back down to normal with the newer meds. There can be lots of reasons why it is up and stress is definitely something that can contribute to an elevated BP. Being monitored is a good idea - will give your doctor a better idea on levels and if there are any factors that contribute to it being high.
You have 2 days of work to get through and then a few days off - that is do-able BB.
Who are you going for in the grand final? I am hoping for a WCE win!
24-09-2018 05:49 PM
24-09-2018 05:49 PM
We’re having chicken stir fry with heaps of veggies. I actually don’t feel hungry. All I want to do is go to bed.
Glad you’re feeling better @Zoe7
we’re wstching footy st home. I think my daughter and Ayla will come over as her partner is going to his mates house to watch the footy.
I will go fir WCE just to stir my son up. !! Lol 😂
better go snd cut up some veggies. Oh I csnt stop yawning. I’m so tired.
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