09-11-2019 04:17 PM
09-11-2019 04:17 PM
Really hate having DID clinicians give you that look and getting someone to decompress with is so hard. They always focus on the fact of my diagnosis and are too scared to treat me. Those that do take me on are often unreliable.
It really gives me the sh..... I want to do something so i wont have crack ups so my kids dont have to deal with it. Not that i am saying poor poor pitiful me, certainly not. I just wish there was not such as stigma.
10-11-2019 07:55 AM
10-11-2019 07:55 AM
How do I get this ball of anger out of my chest ..... just thinking about it makes me so angry. It triggers me ..... I am like the original little drummer boy whose parents die at the hand of bandits and he hates the world so person paints a smile on his face .....That is how I feel. How do I get over my anger ? My pdoc says through love and indeed in the story that is what happens to Aaron .... is it possible in real life I just dont know.
10-11-2019 11:41 PM
10-11-2019 11:41 PM
11-11-2019 03:23 AM
11-11-2019 03:23 AM
so worried about son2. He was in the bathroom and came out and started saying that there were children talking stuff to him. There were no children outside. The day was quiet. He is resistant to medications.Life is not fair.
14-11-2019 10:31 PM
14-11-2019 10:31 PM
15-11-2019 08:01 PM
15-11-2019 08:01 PM
Hi everyone.
It’s been a very tough week.
The person (relative) who SA'd me as a child - phoned & left a long message at 2.00pm this afternoon (on machine) all about himself. He has refused to get the message to stop contacting me.
Any contact from this person gives me a shock, & sends me into a tail-spin.
Car making banging noises Wednesday morning (thought it was engine) scared me. Thought I would not get the car home.
I got mechanic out Thursday, had car serviced – found a large screw in tyre, then took tyre to be repaired (yesterday afternoon). Then missed my Thursday Yoga class.
A work colleague told me that she had a conversation behind my back (with another staff) – where they both appeared to blame me for their bad attitudes.
They simply don't like doing the work that we do, or don't like working with that client.
I am doing the majority of the interacting & work with that person, yet those staff not only don’t acknowledge my efforts. What was said was insulting.
Trying to pick myself up, & keep going....
16-11-2019 12:22 AM
16-11-2019 12:22 AM
18-11-2019 11:11 PM
18-11-2019 11:11 PM
21-11-2019 09:28 PM
21-11-2019 09:28 PM
This week will be so incredibly difficult. I'm scared I'll let my family down. I'm scared my SH will be my coping mechanism. I have lots of tools to cope, but will I use them? I'm so so tired.
24-11-2019 01:55 PM
24-11-2019 01:55 PM
This morning, as soon as I went outside -
My neighbour let her huge Rotweiler dog come onto my property to chase my cat (Jelly).
I had to run after the dog, whilst saying "No you will not chase my cat" - I was in no physical state to do that.
My neighbour just sat there (gardening), on front footpath (nature strip) - she never tried to stop her dog, even though I could see that was going to happen (before it happened).
She never apologised either - she said nothing.
My cat just escaped with her life, under the side gate.
This is totally unacceptable, yet I don't know who to lodge a complaint with.
I was in shock - I should not have to deal with that, first thing in the morning. In my own front yard.
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