Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Re: Gratitude practice

Congratulations @HelloKitty1981 😊

Re: Gratitude practice

@Shaz51 thank you 🙂

Re: Gratitude practice

@TideisTurning @HelloKitty1981 @Shaz51 @Jasper_123 @tyme  and all reading along.


I am grateful for many things similarly to @Former-Member


Including my limited functionality.


Saw an NDIS Review Town Hall event on zoom yesterday.


Today grateful for Hand therapist and it being paid.

Re: Gratitude practice

@Shaz51, these are my girls, sitting beside me under my desk while I speak to all of you. Usually at least one of them are there to keep me company, if not both of them 💜💙🐶Two dogs squished onto a grey dog bed. The dog on the left is black and tan and the dog on the right is grey and white.Two dogs squished onto a grey dog bed. The dog on the left is black and tan and the dog on the right is grey and white. 

Re: Gratitude practice

Awww they are sooo cute @TideisTurning 🥰 thank you for sharing 💕 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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