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27 Sep 2018 09:55 AM
27 Sep 2018 09:55 AM
27 Sep 2018 10:09 AM
27 Sep 2018 10:09 AM
27 Sep 2018 10:40 AM
27 Sep 2018 10:40 AM
Good morning @Former-Member, your nnessage gave me goosebumps all over and my heart melted, I agree with everything you said, this is the most loving sight around and like you, this is the only sight i ever use as well, to me we are all like a family, we don't need to know each other in person as our messages show how much we care for each other, help each other when we need a pick up and to feel that we are loved.
28 Sep 2018 09:22 AM
28 Sep 2018 09:22 AM
ABBA Father,
I know that You are real, I believe 100% that You care about me. You have shown me many times in my life how much You care, by the way things have just ended up working out for me, even tho I have had to go through so many horrific experiences, & shocking pain, & loneliness, of such a terrible frightening extent FATHER.
Abandonment by my Siblings, & lack of any kind of care from them, & still do. Lack of finances, & no transport. Serious, sickness, & health issues, that I struggle with, on a daily basis here,by myself.
I look around where I live LORD, & I seem to be the only one living on my own. I have 2 neighbours whom talk to me. On either side, of this house that I rent, off The Government. None of them go out of their way to see if I need anything, or help in any way. Yet, they are families, & have so much support from others.
I seem to be the lost sheep, so to speak LORD, what am I doing wrong, why am I so isolated with so many people all around me? I am very caring, & loving, I love YOU LORD with all my heart, people tell me I am good to them, at times. I love to give, when I feel led to. I do not have much money to give, unless it's a small amount to help a charity. I love the animals, I love the children, I love nature of all kinds, I have worked hard all my life LORD, as YOU already know.
I can not get on top of all this body pain, & health issues, it's too much for me LORD.
I'm not complaining, I'm trying to work, out who I am, & what I can do, to make my life more welcome, & open to friendship. I must be missing something, that I can do, or maybe I'm not being grateful enough LORD for what I do have. Maybe life isn't meant to be lived with people, or even one person, that YOU LORD have chosen, & sent for me, to love, & to cherish, like I know, & have been believing, that YOU, will?
I am so tired LORD, & I am worn out waiting, yet, I will not give in to self pity, or crying.
I am thankful for my Fur Babies, they are a lot of work, & they do give me so much love. I can afford them, but it does take most of the money that I am blessed to receive, to care for them.
I would not give them up, to have a social life instead, & most people would not love them, like I do. I'm praying to YOU LORD like this, & in CT, as I need to see my prayer, as I may see myself in a different way by doing this. My life is at times very scary in many ways. The way I get through each day is to stop looking at it all, & just live it as it comes. But, every day it is the same, like a broken record, will I just fade away in time, or can I do something now LORD before it's too late to make any change? I am thinking too much, & good, or bad this is my life.
YOUR Will be done ABBA Father in my life always!
Amen & Amen! <><< XO
28 Sep 2018 10:40 AM
28 Sep 2018 10:40 AM
@Former-Member You have a most wonderful, selfless soul, and a wonderful heart, if I lived next door to you it would be a blessing to know and help you. Your posts and pictures always are heartfelt and make me cry, but in a good way, you are so loved by God, I can feel it. You are a inspiration to us all on SF, even when you are finding it unbearable you still give love to everyone on here and post beautiful things. Our Lord has given you a gift with words and pictures that help so many of us.
I pray that
28 Sep 2018 12:52 PM
28 Sep 2018 12:52 PM
@saturnzoon XOXOXO
I love you sweetheart, you are so, Precious, HIS Materpiece, & a Jewel in HIS Crown, to ABBA Father!!!
To me, you are, my Christian Sister, my Friend, & my "Earthly Angel"! & I sincerely, appreciate all that you are, & whom GOD created you to be, to me!
I Love You, & Your Heart!
My Angel, & My Friend! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX & More! 🙂
This is you to me, posted underneith, @saturnzoon!
28 Sep 2018 01:55 PM
28 Sep 2018 01:55 PM
Thank you so much @Former-Member you are very special.
28 Sep 2018 02:01 PM
28 Sep 2018 02:01 PM
I am sincerely happy that you are my friend @saturnzoon & I will always be here for you, no matter what the reason, or need!
Promise cross my heart!
(((((((((((Saturnzoon))))))) xxx
Bella @>-->--->------------------ That's a rose! 🙂
28 Sep 2018 02:07 PM
28 Sep 2018 02:07 PM
28 Sep 2018 06:00 PM
28 Sep 2018 06:00 PM
I love you, I am sick with a Virus, & sinus infection. I hope I get better soon, I am a little anxious with pains here & there. I got upstet yesterday, & trying to have some balance today, no energy & very sore side of my neck atm.
Are you going ok, & handling your heath issues better atm. They come & go, these problems, don't they.
We are blessed, I believe to have each others support, friendship, & care, here in CT, & SF!
Thank GOD for Sane Forum!
Bella xoxoxoxo 🙂 <><<
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