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08 Sep 2018 07:32 PM
08 Sep 2018 07:32 PM
08 Sep 2018 08:50 PM
08 Sep 2018 08:50 PM
@Former-Member you are quite welcome to join us and everyone else on here.
what Jesus did was a miracle and some of them still had trouble believing, if it wasn't for my faith in the last couple of years and wanting to learn more, añd know that we are living this life for him, then sometimes when I feel like this life is just to hard, i can turn to him
08 Sep 2018 09:06 PM
08 Sep 2018 09:06 PM
Amen & Amen! <><<
I have the same faith, as you, & you & I are walking the same path, I believe. I appreciate what you shared, about yourself, in the way that you did. Thank you Saturnzoon, I hope you post more things in CT, I love getting to know SF members. Also what you have to share to encourage, me/us all. As not all feel up to posting, or sharing, which is fine.
I would so much to have a picnic in real life, but unfortunately, I have no one to go anywhere with. I spend all my time totally alone, if not for my Fur Babies I would be very isolated. I have a very large family, spread all over the place in Australia. None where I live tho, & only get the odd phone call, not even once a month. If not for ABBA Fathers Love, & my relationship with HIM through the Word, & prayer, I may not be here seriously, HE gives me, Hope, Strength, & JOY! Amen & Amen! <><<
Love & Hugs!
Bella XO 🙂 (((((((Saturnzoon)))))))):heart:
09 Sep 2018 03:34 AM
09 Sep 2018 03:34 AM
Sorry for posting this late @eudemonism and @Former-Member
When I go to post sometimes I will start it just after reading, or when i check back on here but it takes me a long time to finish the post as I'm not good at communication skills.
@eudemonism you are always welcome to our picnic with fish and bread.
I would love to have a picnic in real life to @Former-Member thank you for your kind words,,
I understand how you feel about being lonely and I am glad that you have your fur babies to help ease the pain, I have always felt lonely but it did not really sink in until my daughter left to live in Newcastle, I never leave home except to go to my groups. My daughter and I used to be close and do things together and when she told me she was leaving, my whole world turned up side down, I still have my 3 son's living with me but the 2 older ones just stay in there room's or go out and my youngest son plays the xbox and games on the phone.
That's where I believe Jesus made it known to me that he's here for me and for my faith to be renewed in him and I've never been able to make a friend until I found Jesus and he helped me to fill the void from my daughter. He also helped me to find a small church this year where the Pastor and his family are lovely and down to earth, i record the songs the band play to listen to when I'm struggling, at home, and I get picked up for church as well. I believe he also had led me to this sight to help me meet like minded people and in times of struggle being able to reach out for help.
My family live in Sydney and I don't hear from them either.
Our Faith and our paths have crossed, and anyone else may join us and follow in Jesus's foot prints like his disciples did and if one of us falls we are there to pick them up. Jesus will lead us to where we need to be as one of his childrenMay your day be filled with Joy
I t has taken me 4 hours to put all this down, although I lost half of it, 2 hours in, know idea how, stil. getting use to how the posting here works. so I was trying to remember what I had put but couldn't, that's my memory for you, it's like a sponge where i loose words through the holes.
09 Sep 2018 03:43 AM
09 Sep 2018 03:43 AM
09 Sep 2018 12:12 PM
09 Sep 2018 12:12 PM
@saturnzoon xoxo
I am so proud of you Saturnzoon, for taking 4 hours to write something so heart touching, & real
GOD Bless you sweetheart, I appreciate you very much, & what you wrote, I'm sure @eudemonism, can appreciate who you are, & how much you have grown/growing, in The LORD, & we all are growing in the, HIS Grace, & Love, of our LORD, daily, I believe! Amen <><<
I read the words with the picture you posted, I could see it ok, but I'm not sure about anyone else. I hope all can read it to? 🙂
I love it, & it's in my heart now, thank you so much, you are a true Blessing to me, seriously. I get so excited when I read the encouraging, Quotes, & Words posted, Songs, & Scriptures, Prayers, & Praise in CT. I personally need all the love, & encouragement, that I can get, I must be greedy for it!
Love & Hugs!
Bella XO 🙂 <><<
@outlander @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51 @eudemonism @Adge @PeppiPatty
@Heavenbound @Maggie @saturnzoon @Jojo2 @Holly24 @Faith-and-Hope
@greenpea @dragonflygirl & all, Welcome Come Just As You Are!
09 Sep 2018 12:50 PM
09 Sep 2018 12:50 PM
Lets Praise "The LORD ,"with ALL our Heart, & all our Soul!!
Amen \0/
09 Sep 2018 12:52 PM
09 Sep 2018 12:52 PM
Good Morning everyone May your day be filled with Joy
09 Sep 2018 12:58 PM - edited 09 Sep 2018 01:08 PM
09 Sep 2018 12:58 PM - edited 09 Sep 2018 01:08 PM
Praise Proceeds The Blessings! Amen! <>< \o/ \o/ \o/
09 Sep 2018 01:54 PM
09 Sep 2018 01:54 PM
hugs @saturnzoon my sister
Hello @Former-Member, @eudemonism, @Former-Member, @Former-Member
beauitful sunny day here , a little bit warm but .......
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