Re: Good Morning!

Hi everyone,


Hope you all have a nice afternoon and great weekend ahead.  I'm heading out to my farm.  Might wait for the temp to drop before I venture out.  It's been pretty warm today so far. 


Quick shout out to @Meowmy , hope aren't getting up into too much mischief! 😉

Re: Good Morning!

@Gazza75  Hey Gazza75 hope you have a great weekend at farm 🙂 and I hope that Meowmy is getting up to all kinds of mischief on her holiday :DSmiley Winkxxx. I hope you get up to mischief on your farm too Gazza75 :Dxx

Re: Good Morning!

LOL thanks @greenpea  🙂

Not planning on doing all that much.  Weather has warmed up rather rapidly.  Mostly some crafts and stuff about the house.  Do you have anything on? 


You'll need some new boots/shoes soon with all the km's you are clocking up with your neighbour friend.

Re: Good Morning!

Hows it going Pea @greenpea

Re: Good Morning!

Hey Gazza too

Re: Good Morning!

@Gazza75  I have a quiet one this weekend which is great was a busy week and feeling a bit shattered. Will go walking with neighbour tomorrow and you are right need new shoes :o! but car reg and service first 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT  Hey Hams I am doing okay thanks :D. Just glad to be home my friend :). Is 39 degrees here where I am atm :o!

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Hey TABs thanks for the support button pushing :D. How are you going>

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea, yes cars are not cheap to keep on the road.  I'm trying to keep my old clanger for as long as I can.  I've been trying to save up for something down the track.  Waiting for my tax return to come back ughghgh 


G'day @MDT 🙂  Hows the refurbished PC going?

Re: Good Morning!

That's quite warm. Hey @greenpea

Stay 😎 cool.

I just had a small nap for 40mins.
The heat makes me sleepy I find. Waiting for the cool change to kick in.

I thought it rained while I was sleeping but I think it's just the smell of water in the plants lol. Mum gave the garden a hose.