Re: Good Morning!

That sounds brilliant @Judi9877 making me feel I should get out more. No beaches around here tho lol just sand no water

Re: Good Morning!

Dear @saturnzoon


@I really hope Uniting church helps you. Have you been given other options ? Do you have an advocate ? I went to see my Gp for help to move and get help. They got a support worker to assist. 

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @eudemonism and hope you're having a great weekend,my friend. May your week be a fruitful one. Best wishes. Bimby2.

Re: Good Morning!

Evening @Judi9877 @TAB @BlueBay @MDT

@PeppiPatty I did have a worker that was helping me, until they left there position and they didn't get anyone to replace her.  My memory is not very good anymore and i hae a lot of trouble remembering things or talking to people, which makes it very hard for me to find housing,  I have asked my eldest 2 who are 24 & 25 to help, but I would still be waiting forever. and My Dr is not really very helpful so I've been looking for another one.

welcome @Judi9877 hope you find the forums very helpful. If you did go to the beach today hope you had a lovely time.

Re: Good Morning!

I hope you get help re housing @saturnzoon and yes my brain is foggy atm

Re: Good Morning!

So I sorta ‘get’ that re foggy @saturnzoon I am on my own. Sometimes I spend hours looking for things eg ok .. der..or sometimes I just feel sad. Ok. Like now.
Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning Every Body!

I hope today is lovely for you!

Love & Hugs!

Bella xo  🙂

Dick Van Dyke & Janet Leigh/ Albert F. Peterson & Rosie De Leon sing "Put On A Happy Face" from the musical "Bye Bye Birdie." Please Subscribe!
Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!



Hi @Former-Member, you do such amazing posts :). How are you?  


Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Former-Member @Former-Member @TAB @saturnzoon @Bimby2  and everyone else out in ForumLand this morning! Thanks for the great happy song @Former-Member - a great way to wake up! I'm doing my usual thing right now- coffee, knitting and checking in on here, but I have been listening to Kylie in my iPod this morning to wake up. Today, I've got my worker to discuss NDIS stuff and then off to the library to work on my Dementia course that finishes in 2 weeks. 


Thanks for letting me be part of this forum, everyone😊. It's given me a routine and I enjoy seeing how everyone is going and what they've got planned for the day. Have a great day full of fun, laughter and relaxation😎🌼!



Re: Good Morning!

Good morning all
Have a good one