Re: Good Morning

@TAB Thanks so much. I do suffer a lot. Sorry not much positive to post. I suffered schizoeffetive disorder. Then a lot of times , I am very depressed or severely anxious. I had a bad start. My father came from a disadvantaged family. He learnt the bad coping ways which spilled on me.


i am not felling well this morning. Depressed and dizzy. Hope to pick up a bit . I wish my life would be easier as well. But looks suffering is my life. May be slowly life may improve . But a single woman in my fifties with an elderly mother and unfriendly brother. No other support. Life is hard.

@TAB you have always been supportive and kind. Thank you. I only pray, may be I can be spared some of the sufferings and have some good in my life.

Re: Good Morning

@greenpea @saturnzoon @TAB Good morning. I did go for a little walk , thirty five minutes. Now home practicing deep breathing. Will be taking mum to see her doctor in the afternoon. Thanks for care and support. Have a good day.

Re: Good Morning

@Former-MemberGood luck with hubby hospital stay. Take care.

Re: Good Morning

@Meowmy  Have a great day too Meowmy! good on you for going for the walk that is great:)xxx

Re: Good Morning

@TAB I went for a walk. I do feel a bit better. I will practice deep breathing. Hope to feel better too. Thanks. Take care.

Re: Good Morning

well I'm a single guy in mid 50s mum died the other year, father knocking on the door , have little  to do with siblings anymore  its just me and repetitive mistakes and lowered expectations as options narrow due to age @Meowmy  aren't I a cheery chap lol

Sorry re your upbringing.  anyway got flu still and told work thought would be ok to go back tomorrow after they contacted me other day feel really crap today so cant see that happening any time soon

Re: Good Morning

Yours too @TAB

I hope it's a good one.


Re: Good Morning

thanks @Adge 

Re: Good Morning

@TAB s (hope you are feeling a bit better today) @Adge @Meowmy  (I also have schizoaffective disorder. How do you cope with your diagnosis?) @saturnzoon  (any news on house yet?) @MDT  (how are you going today Hamsolo01?) @frog  @Ant7 @Former-Member  (hope your hubby is settling into hospital well for you and that you are taking some time out for yourself) @Bill16  (how did psych go yesterday? Hope you are feeling a bit better) good morning all and all the formites who pass this way on this glorious Thursday morning!:) Will be heading off for walk with neighbour and son2 in a short while am so looking forward to it. It is the highlight of my day. Wishing everyone a beautiful highlight no matter how small today. Lots of love greenpeaxxx

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning

Good morning @greenpea  😀

Thanks .. Yes hubby in hospital and settled. Such a weight off my shoulders to be able to hand the respinsibility of his care to the medical experts.

Im in my hotel. Noisy and silly imagination running riot. But Im okay.

@TAB @saturnzoon @Meowmy @outlander @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7