
Morning everyone @TAB @Meowmy @StuF @Bill16 @Dreamy @Gibbs @Abner @PeppyPatti 

I had a shocker of a night’s sleep. 
What are you all doing today?

Re: Tabaluga's

There's is that too and that's understandable, but for example last December I was deliberately sexually harrassed by near neighbour of mine.  She knew she was hurting me, did it because she knew it would hurt, her intention was to aggressively overpower me.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Dreamy good morning Dreamy ..Trying to get more to go to gym

Sitting on the edge of my bed contemplating the day. Meeting a mate for coffee later today. Wish I wasn't so tired. Just don't want to give up. Need to stay strong .

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Morning @Glisten. Sorry to hear you didn't have a great sleep. 


I don't have much on but today is a very sad day for me. So it's just going to be a matter of trying to hold myself together. 

Re: Tabaluga's

@Dreamy i meant motivated not more 

Re: Tabaluga's

@Gibbs you can do this. I'm cheering you on from the sidelines 😊



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hi @Glisten I rarely sleep more than a couple hours at a time these days.

Got and xray in next town need to leave for in 2 hours at latest.I just replied an email re position I was offered an inverview for in January. Well it was advertised again mentioing part time this time. I tagged people in GM thread. going to be hot here think, i should be in car soon and get some shopping done before appt as opposed to after re heat, ha. Shower time. (water not sweat,soz lol..)

Re: Tabaluga's

@Dreamy thanks. Now I can charge on. You Are a good person. Talk later. 🥰🥰

Re: Tabaluga's

@Gibbs  do you take magnesium, eat bananas and have you increased your protein post-workout intake?

Re: Tabaluga's

I didn't know that about Glenn Gould, @PeppyPatti, I knew he died of pneumonia, but I didn't know the other details. You've educated me about music today.

It's lovely to listen to The Solitude Trilogy.