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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Did you mum still go to the market? @Bow  I guess there will be less visitors too if it's raining, right?

Re: I can’t cope

Yeah. I guess I would probably be the same if I didn't have my own MH issues to deal with @Captain24 


Your parents come from big families, right? But they only had 2 kids?

Re: I can’t cope

No @tyme  she’s sick too. 

yeah less market goers when it’s rains, but a lot of market organisers don’t  cancel unless the weather is really bad. Which means we still gotta pay the market fee. 

Re: I can’t cope

That's what I thought. That's hard @Bow . But I guess they need to make a living too.

Re: I can’t cope

I get it @tyme but surely you wouldn’t be a dismissive if it was your child. 

Apparently they want 4 kids but it was a difficult labour with me but with my brother we almost lost both of them. They were told that with anymore kids other mum wouldn’t make it or the baby. I’m glad that they didn’t. There 2 kids are messed up as it is. 

Re: I can’t cope

My mum wanted 4 too. She had three, then miscarried the 4th and that was it... stuck with three girls.... @Captain24 


You may say 'messed up', but I'm sure you both have amazing qualities too. And you know how glued you all are together.. it's just hard to show it sometimes?

Re: I can’t cope

We are only glued together because we have to be. @tyme.


I have nothing to do with my niece. Very little to do with my brother. My parents I have to, they look after my dogs. 

I can’t say that I love them and I don’t think they love me either. 

Re: I can’t cope

Awwwww @Captain24 .


That's hard....

Re: I can’t cope

It’s not by choice @tyme. My niece can’t be bothered and neither can my brother. 

Thats why I don’t understand what love is. Thats why I’m so isolated. 

That turn very dark. Do I make more sense now? 

Re: I can’t cope

Hang on.. you were the one that looked after you niece when she was young and you made that cake for her???? @Captain24 


Or am I getting all mixed up?


I never connected that your bro had children.

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