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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

Hey @creative_writer 

Didn't do much today. Just some washing and made some mushy food for D. Using quite a few prn today.


How has your day gone?

Re: My special place

@Snowie nothing wrong with PRN if you need them. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you💖

Feeling the pain and depression sinking in more. Yeah, it could be worse. I always feel so exhausted and drained by the end of the day

Re: My special place

@Snowie  I hope D is though the worst of the pain now 🤞


Is part of your crap sleep checking on D in the night at the moment? I hope it can improve for both of you now... 


Hoping today is better for you 💙

Re: My special place

@NatureLover I think checking in on D isn't helping my sleep. Think it's a mixture of a few things.


I feel like things are falling apart all around me. Had another cancellation this morning for today. Thats 4 appointments in the last week. Just must be me.


@NatureLover @creative_writer wishing you both a good day today


Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie
Sounds like you're having a bit of a tough-ish day today? Sleep, cancellations (I highlight this because when I am awaiting an appointment it can feel horrible if it's cancelled last minute, really stuffs up my day - does this happen for you too?)

Hello @NatureLover and @creative_writer 🙂 Hope everyone is drinking water today! (I say to myself.. if I can remind others, surely I'll do it more too, right?) 😛

Re: My special place

Hugs ❤️ and sitting with you @Snowie 🥰

Re: My special place

@PizzaMondo the cancellation this morning only came through an hour before my appt. I know they couldn't help it but still irritates me.

I'm not sure if my crappy mood is related to lack of sleep or something else.


I hope you are going ok.


Re: My special place

Hi @Shaz51 

How are you today?

Re: My special place

@Snowie , @PizzaMondo 

As we are heading for retiring next month 

We finished one of our jobs today and I cried 

And then our customer had to tell us what other cleaners are charging :face_with_rolling_eyes: 

Wow, our customers were really getting a bargain 

Re: My special place

oh @Shaz51 I'm sure it was happy and sad tears all at the same time.


Just that one step closer to retirement.


Illustration of people sitting and standing

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