Re: My special place

Hubby's footy team lost last night too @Eve7!!


Been so cold here today. I think we reach a top of 11 ❄️


Sat there for a long time. Guess I wasn't urgent. Saw someone (for a brief amount of time) and sent home 😔




Re: My special place

At least we had a nice sunny day here @Snowie 


I’m sorry you had that experience. We shouldn’t have to make an attempt or worse before anyone listens. Wrapping you in warm hugs. 💙🤗💙🤗💙

Re: My special place

Would have been a lot warmer there @Eve7 


Really makes us feel like we are worthless. Just another number.


Have you got much planned for tonight and tomorrow?


Re: My special place

Making an attempt doesn’t even get you heard @Eve7 @Snowie  the system is so broke. I had about a 2 min conversation with a psych person at the beginning of the week after mine….. I don’t really matter. 

im sorry you’ve had a rough day by the sounds of it @Snowie  gentle hugs 

Re: My special place

They say to call 000 @Bow, but that is useless too. You aren't seen as urgent so just wait. It's not their fault, they are swamped with not enough ambulances on the roads. I get people are worse off, but don't suggest it then.


Tomorrow won't be good. I have an anniversary from when I was a child. What is meant to be a celebration is a day filled with dread. 


Sorry hon, you don't need this.

How are you going?

Re: My special place

I really want to tell you about a tragic incident that occurred here recently @Snowie @Bow but I’d better not suffice to say the perpetrator was known to the acute care team and they did nothing.


Im so very sorry for all of us.

Re: My special place

I'm not blaming anyone @Eve7 @Bow 

We have not enough ambulances and there is no plan to put any more on the roads

The hospitals are full, the nurses and doctors are run of their feet. 

The whole system is crumbling.

We are one of many that get lost in the system.


Even ringing/talking to someone on a helpline, there is always a wait. I waited almost 30 mins last night to talk to someone on scbs. Just goes to show how many are in need.


I guess a lot just have to 'hang on', as I was told again the other night 😔

Re: My special place

I'm sorry, just venting.


Going to go. 

@Eve7 take care hon, you matter

@Bow look after yourself. You also matter



Re: My special place

You matter too @Snowie , you matter very much. Stay safe and talk again tomorrow


Thinking of you too @Bow  💙🩵

Re: My special place

Please take care @Snowie  you matter very much. Please remember that when the darkness gets too much. 

thinking of you too dear @Eve7