Re: My special place

@Snowie I agree kids can bring so much meaning to one’s life. I think whatever we find meaning in, we must hold onto it when life gets hard. Meaning and purpose drives us. In social work, they tell us to consider meaning and purpose beyond just faith when looking at someone’s spirituality.

Connecting to SANE counsellor was helpful, just had one session so far, five more to go. I didn’t find it, I’ll probably just take the citrus one. Not sure where the lavender one vanished. I personally love the smell of lavender for anxiety. I am waiting for my lavender eye pillow to come in the mail. I get a lot of social anxiety at uni

Re: My special place

So this hospital visit just keeps on getting more and more stuffed up.

I rang the hospital and the pdoc that was meant to admit me said I just turn up to my monthly ECT next week. So they now have to chase up with this pdoc and try and see if he will admit me and when.

I am screaming out for help yet just keep getting pushed back and ignored with everyone. 

I really don't know how much more I can take of this. Obviously me having sh and si isn't enough for them. What more do I need to do to get some help.

Re: My special place

Sending lots of love @Snowie 



Re: My special place

Oh wow @Snowie I am so sorry, you're right you are screaming out for help - I wonder if they realise what it takes to get to the point of making this decision? To then have it ripped out from under you?


I got big piles of hugs for you, wish I had more but... Ach Snowie 🥺🫂💜

Re: My special place

Thanks @Jynx @Eve7 

I really don't know where to go from here.

I have emailed my normal pdoc but he can't do much since he doesn't work at the hospital.


I really don't know why I am bothering. I trying not to go down the other path to get some help, but I feel like my hands are tied. How much can we take before we are truly broken.

Re: My special place

@Snowie that sucks. I’m sorry they are not hearing you. I totally get how hard it is to reach this point and actually say hey, I need some help here, only for the door to be slammed in your face. Don’t really know what to say, but I’m hearing you and sitting with ya

Re: My special place

ohhh hugs my @Snowie ❤️

Re: My special place

Yeah so bloody infuriating @Snowie I am so sorry you're going through this. Could you try the CATT team or something? I'm not sure what options there are, but you shouldn't have to be advocating for your care! Grrrr

Re: My special place

I've never used the CATT team since it's all been through work cover and private practitioners.

I went and got some things that I'm not allowed to have. They haven't got back to me so I'm assuming they won't now since it's after 5pm.

I'm not sleeping, not eating, not doing any of the basic things.

If I go anywhere, I'll just get sent home. If I ring then I'll just be waiting for hours.

There is no good option. There is nothing left.

Re: My special place

I'm getting really worried about you @Snowie - I mean CATT is worth a shot, right? You can find out what the local CATT number is here. Otherwise, maybe LL?


I'm going to flick you an email too hun.