Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


Great question.  The Haven Project is for people to drop in and drop out when they want to.  So people can turn up at any time, they do not have to turn up every week.  it is for crisis beds and people are allowed to have quite a generous amount of time there.  The services within the Haven are for people to attend forever.  You don't ever get exited from them.  having siad that, this means it is a "secure base" where people have a sense of safety and security.  Some people have said that just knowing it is there means they feel safe and secure even if they do not use it.  It is a place of safety where people can pop in and pop out.  Seeing as most services end at some point and people with BOD have abandonment issues, this makes perfect sense.  Services need to gear up specifically for people with BOD and cater to their very individual requirements.  General mental health services are not good for people with BPD as they are limited and do not address DSM criteria.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

Border _ : A compassionate documentary on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) This is the FINAL cut from the editor. (FULL MOVIE!) 2024 Update: The creator of this documentary has an awesome book out to help those with borderline personality disorder. Order now: Debbie ...

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


@Whyohwhy raised a good question. Is it common for other PD to exists side by side?

I wonder if the myths about maniplulation and lack of empathy might contribute to this as I understand that NPD are commonly understood as having these traits.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


So sorry to hear that.  I have had that experience as well including one dropkick psychologist who after eight sessions said I was cured and not to come back.  In hindsight, this was 1989, she recognised my BPD and terminated me.  Another one told me other women had more problems than me like babies with spina bifida.  I walked out and never went back.  Then after three more I found my therapist of the past 20 years.  Keep trying.  Your gut instinct will tell you when you have the right "fit".  Therapy with someone with BPD is all about the relationship rather than technique (DBT is different).  If you get someone calm, compassionate and empathic and curious you have found the right person.  I wish you well.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

I've not been diagnosed iwth BpD but i do see a lot of myself in some of the symptoms. I am very alone in the world at large and wonder if there is anyway to really overcome the types of behaviour that continue to see me isolating myself? I'm scared to ask my psychologist if she thinks i have BpD but she often talks about my fear of abondonement even by her.

Thanks for everyone who's contributing tonight, this is really interesting and helpful,


Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


I will look forward to watching that.  Thanks.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

It sounds like a fantastic service. A particular friend of mine would benefit immensely from a service like that! I hope nsw gets their butt into gear and roll out something like this! I wish there was something I could do to help the process along, maybe if I win lotto I could do something like that!

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

Yes @BlueButterfly50

Since I've been in sane forums, I've been a proud consumer, meaning I have had the guts and a forward thinking nature to access mental health agencies. Some very interesting reactions too.

I love my issues. I love how I can talk honestly about taking care of yourself and knows what that means.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


I understand your position.  It's quite scary and makes you angry when you get a diagnosis.  When I got mine I already knew I had BPD and while it confirmed my fears, the psychiatrist who diagnosed me did not tell me he wrote a letter to my GP and three years later I read it.  It was not the diagnosis that made me angry but the fact that the psychiatrist did not talk to me about it.

When you unpack BPD and educate yourself, that knowledge is power and it empowers you to see what you are dealing with.  When you know that it is less scary.  Nothing is worse than fear of something, because that becomes fear of fear itself.  Learn all you can from reputable websites.  Type BPD support into google and see what comes up.  Don't look at, or read anything that makes you feel bad.  Pick your websites.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

I am just glad there's somewhere to talk to people who actually know what this is and what it's like rather than having to explain it all the time to people who don't get it!