Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Dear@Carlachris, Hold onto your pets. When the world turns sour, pets love us as we are. I have kangaroos every day in my yard. I sometimes wonder if they can sense whether I am sad or not. It is nice knowing that they have my whole yard to feed on. My house is small, my yard is big, so I have lots of grass. Developers keep chopping down the forest where the roos live, so in providing grass, I am contributing to the welfare of the critters. This makes me happy.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Hi @Ripples @Shaz51 @Carlachris @SJT63 @MDT and everyone stopping by on this thread today 🙂 


Just wanted to check in and see how you are all going? How have you been going with self care?


This week I added crocheting to my self care kit. I've always enjoyed knitting, and thought I'd try something new. The repetitiveness of knitting and crocheting has been very relaxing 🙂 


What have you been doing for self care this week?

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

hello @Daisydreamer@Ripples@Carlachris@SJT63@MDT@Lost9@Emelia8@Krishna@LearningWaters@Alicat@LostAngel@Clawde@Mum6@Determined@outlander@Boo13@Smc@Anastasia@TiredL@Flurry0306@Elac , @Former-Member , @cloudcore , @Former-Member , 


What have you been doing for self care this week?

well this week we have benn in lockdown , so we have been having a sleepin until 8-30am 

and even had a nap yesterday 




Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Hi @Shaz51 @Daisydreamer @Ripples @Carlachris @Carlachris @SJT63 

@@@@@@I've been reading a good murder mystery book and sleeping in too. I feel better for it.


Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

that sounds good @Lost9 Heart

we are going to find it hard to do our 2 jobs tomorrow xx

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Not much I confess my @Shaz51

Tomorrow I hope to though. May go for a mountain bike ride.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Slow cooked beef casserole in front of open wood fire whilst watching the batchelor, easy night @Shaz51 @MDT @Lost9 all here

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

hello and thank you @Shaz51  and @MDT  and @Lost9  and @Daisydreamer and @Ripples and anyone else Ive forgotten ok so my coping tool box has been talking to sane helpline,taking meds regulary,sleeping regulary ,eating regulary and trying to drink more water also reading books has been helpfull or watching a series although mostly its been about always finding a way to talk things out with people so communication is a big one 

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

good onya there @Anastasia my friend
glad you had a good restful evening !

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

I like all of those options @LostAngel

Thanks for sharing and yeah communication is essential