Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

While I didn't 'leave' my ahole @Corny, he left, but not intending it to be far, or for long.  He moved his 'poodle' and her pups back into our condensed living complex when I didn't follow instructions and move out of the bigger living space and into the smaller one as he intended - the one they ended up living in ..... and I didn't toe the line by accepting an allowance to live in the smaller space in the shadow of their life as they paraded themselves all over our family spaces and family history ...... so I have little respect for her either.  She may be controlled, but she had choices within tbat bubble, and she chose to be vindictive and obnoxious of her own accord.  

I would be very happy to learn that she was one as well, and not a co-dependent as one might imagine, but only time will tell.  I have heard her referred to as 'the gold-digger' by some who have met her, so that is coming from somewhere, and that also doesn't typify a co-dependent, so this could get very interesting yet ..... but not yet ..... so there is more time to swim as far away from that ship as possible, if I can just untangle enough of the ghost net it dropped when it left our shores ......


I didn't do anything I was ordered to do, not by him at least, but there are boundaries I have to observe from legal perspectives, but they can be a safe-harbour of sorts too ..... double-edged sometimes ...... but what about my situation isn't ?  Just gotta keep paddling for now regardless.


I am so glad you have the supports around you that you do.  And I am sorry you can't have the funeral in parks or gardens as well, but you will be able to hold ongoing memorial events in those settings in the years ahead.  I mark my Mum's occasions with a base of flowers, candles, cooking dishes that she cooked for us growing up ...... remember her, honour her, within your life happenings, and she will 'be there' with you.


Hugs ❣️


Hugs to gorgeous @Zoe7 too, who has been walking along with me, and others, for a long time now, and who is taking a self-care time out ...... πŸ’œ

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Yes you're right @Faith-and-Hope you didn't technically 'leave him' as such, but you didn't beg for him to come back, and you didn't turn your back on yourself, you kept your dignity. Her behaviour says a lot. She doesn't have to say any words, it's her behaviour that tells you all that you need to know. She doens't sound like a co-dependent at all. If she is a gold-digger like people in your community are saying, well sucked in mate that's your problem, good luck with that! I am surprised he fell for that. Usually it is people from old money that have long forgotten or never experienced life plunging you into a very different financial position that fall for gold diggers and con-artists. People from new money are more cautious because they remember how quickly life can change if just 1 or 2 variables flip. 


She sounds shallow and small minded. My friend told me of a women she knows that faked being a lesbian believing the person she was with was cashed up to the hills, but she ended up leaving her female partner when she found a man with even more money and he bought her a sports car! How is it even possible to lie about your sexuality for personal happens a lot, it's just another type of con-artist, the faking sexuality thing has no significance, its the motivation for money and status that drives it. 


It would be devastating to realise that after more than 30 years he doesn't respect you. How patronising his behaviour has been. To replace you like he replaces an appliance and expect you to be obedient. It is gross on so many levels. What a relief you don't have to grow old with him.


Yes we hope to have memorials for Mum when restrictions lift. Cooking the meals Mum cooked does bring comfort. My besties sent me  beautiful candle I will light for her. We were such different people. She didn't understand me and I didn't understand her. I think she wondered where on earth I came from judging by some of the things she'd say and the constant, "when are you going to get a boyfriend/husband' questions.


I am having sensory memories of our relationship as I start to grieve. When my father died Mum would cling and hold onto me so tight. She'd wrap her arms around me not in an embrace or cuddle, but like we were stuck in a raging river, heading closer and closer towards the cliff edge of the waterfall in our hometown and she was relying on me to keep her above water, or I was her safety raft. It reminded me of the physical sensations of when my niece was a little girl and she'd cling to me in the same way, but it was my Mum. I tired my best to hold her up and not let her drown, but I wasn't strong enough in the end. I just try to tell myself I did my best. To hold space for my 5 year old self and also save Mum was a big ask. I hope she knew I tried my best. Corny HeartHeart

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

You know you tried your best @Corny, and that's what really matters.  No five year old should be made to feel that they are their parent's rescuer, or only hope, but if she were a co-dependent then you can understand as an adult that she didn't know how to be responsible in that way.  Thankfully she was responsible about feeding and clothing you, which are the base levels of supporting a child, and it is good that you can counsel your five year old self about being compassionate towards her for tgat, but also compassionate to your inner child about what she should not have been subject to and made to bear ...... hugs n hugs Hon.  It's a terrible legacy, but this is the age of speaking out about it and helping to protect other children from these outcomes.  You are honouring your five year old self by doing so ...... ❀️

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope my sibs and I have never really had age appropriate responsibilities or expectations placed on us. Our father's personality demanded he got his way at all times, and everyone else was expected to fall into line or we were threatened constantly or he simply became aggressive and violent. It's human instinct to flee from agression and violence so no one stuck around and that made us very socially isolated as a family. He was a very weak person.


I do my best to stick up for children where I can. It always shocks me to see people not even give a single thought to children, they are so selfish and self absorbed and in all honesty should never have had kids. 


I hope that lock down isn't too hard going for you. Melbourne has had a shocker with all the lock downs, Corny HeartHeart

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

I have a home studio @Corny  ..... πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

So happy that you have a space to express yourself, that is your private space and not ruined by your ex-husband @Faith-and-Hope . 

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

πŸ€— @Corny  .... that's gorgeous.

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

😊 @Corny .....

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Hi @Corny 


It was my pleasure - it’s so lovely to hear from you Heart


Thank you so much for sharing this part of your story with me Heart


As I listened to your story, I heard such a profound sense of sorrow and I was really moved when you shared β€˜my longest relationship is over, the person I grew inside of is gone.’ Your words were so poignant and in this moment I realised that I couldn’t even begin to comprehend the magnitude of your loss.


As I continued to connect with your story, I heard so many powerful and (at times) conflicting emotions and as I continued to read about some of the things that have happened to you in your life, I could appreciate some of the complexities associated with the relationship that you shared with your mum.


Sadly in my experience, there have been times when people have drawn a correlation between the nature and quality of the relationships that we had with our loved ones and the way in which we grieve. As such, I just ever so gently wanted to reassure you that so many relationships encapsulate conflicting emotions and the presence of these in no way diminishes our experiences or makes our loss any less valid or painful.


Absolutely! Processing the losses associated with the death of our loved ones can be incredibly complicated. As such, I just ever so gently wanted to encourage you to be patient with yourself as you begin to process your loss Heart


Thank you so much for sharing one of your childhood memories - it sounds as though you had a very special relationship with your Ma and pop.


My heart went out to you when you shared β€˜maybe I hijacked @Faith-and-Hope  because I know she is such a warm and snuggly mum who would give a bear hug. I just jumped in her lap’ and I could hear how desperately you craved a sense of connection, warmth and comfort. Given everything that’s happening for you at this time in your life, it’s completely understandable that you feel drawn towards someone who can provide you with comfort in the way that you need. 


I can really hear how concerned you are for your family and as such, I just ever so gently wondered if there was something in particular that was concerning you?


I’m so pleased that you reached out and I really hope that as a community we can provide you with a soft place to fall Heart


Please know that I’m thinking of you and sending you some very gentle and caring hugs at such a difficult time Heart


Take care of yourself,


ShiningStar Heart