Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

evening @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Adge @Determined @Appleblossom 

@Former-Member I don't know whats wrong my end but none of your pictures are showjng i just get the triangle thing.

IT  is cold and wet again today, we have same cold for another week over here in Adelaide with showers on and off, wether is weird these days can't tell what its going to be.

Did more packing again just a little bit at a time depending on my back, but at last we actually get to see the inside of the housd tomorrow and have to sign lease Friday, even if we don't like it, it's to late as had to give notice 2 weeks ago.

A lovely hot Chocolate for all of us here would be lovely right now, take our minds of things, ican imagine us all sitting down where @greenpea runs past her river with the beautiful lightscold or hot chocolates all round with friendscold or hot chocolates all round with friends



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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Nothing wrong @saturnzoon , pics sometimes take a while.  

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hope the house is good enough @saturnzoon. All the best tomorrow.

@Former-Member, we're uninsulated and draughty, so ours is fighting an uphill battle too, but at least it's something.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

All the cupcakes look delicious but there was a genuine Homer Simpson drool moment seeing the toasted marshmallow @Smc Smiley LOL Hope everyone is enjoying their hot chocolate tonight 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@saturnzoon  Oh saturnzoon your post is timely I was sitting here thinking do I really want to go out into the wind and the cold this morning. Then I got your post and yes I can do this. I wish you well today and hope the house is perfect.for you.  I am sure it will be. Keep us all posted. Lots of love greenpeaxxx

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member love your little cat drink, I  think it would take me a while to start to drink it gorgeous and all your cakes look scrumptious and making me hungry now. I  can image us all sitting around @Smc  cosy fire, roasting marshmallows, and sharing your drinks and cakes, what a ,ovely night we would all have.

@Smc your toasted marshmallow,  takes me back to when we used to do that, it looks nice and snuggly there.

Having trouble sleeping tonight, I think from seeing the house finally at 11ish, will let you all know how it goes and going to take some pictures, my older son has said anything else about only having a week to move, so hope he doesn't after we have seen it. 

It's 5.15am here right now and my mind is to active to go back to sleep

@greenpea @Faith-and-Hope @Ali11 @Adge 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @saturnzoon. Busy minds are a pest. Hope you did get a little more sleep.


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

download (11).jpeg


Time to get mooving ... 😀 

Thankful for so many things this morning.



Need milk for your coffee

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Just dropping by with some hot chocolates for everyone! hope you all have a good day!


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Former-Member. Some bikkies for you too. 😄

