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Failing over and again

I heard about these forums on the radio. I battled the stigma of mental illness for years. I never wanted to admit anything because I was fearful about having a child and my chart highlighting depression. My youngest are now 5 yo. My husband has left me. I hate admitting any kind of shortcoming but I finally recognise I need some sort of support or I will fail my children


Re: Failing over and again

Your a mother you will never fail your children if you love them you will find a way to be there for them even with depression. I often feel like I'm failing my 2 year old but then he comes upto me and says mummy's sick today but tomorrow she will be better. And then I relise this moment too shall pass and tomorrow is a different day.

Re: Failing over and again

Thank you so so much

Re: Failing over and again

Young 2 & 5 year old children are beautiful, loving and simple. They can see a lot.

You are both an inspiration.

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