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My experiences with my mental health

Hi I haven't been on here in a while, and thought I'd give the forums a try again.

I have been experiencing a lot of stigma from other people towards me beause of my mental health which can be very distressing. I can barely do any work because of my mental health and people go and say very nasty things about me because of it.

People see I behave a bit differently, because of my mental illnesses and treat me badly because of it.

Any idea's in dealing with these issue's would be very much appreciated. 



Re: My experiences with my mental health

Welcome back @LFS

there are many conversations on stigma on the forums, feel free to use the subject search bar above to read those that interest you.

I found this conversation started by @chemonro which might interest you to start with here;

as you will soon discover you are not alone in your experience, sadlySmiley Sad

Re: My experiences with my mental health

Hello @LFS

I keep trying to deal with stigma .. not for myself generally .. but even on a general level ... I have to work hard EVERY WEEK to try and encourage a bit more acceptance and tolerance in my daily interactions.


Dont give up though ... GRADUALLY it has been getting better ...

I try and do it with humour ... good manners and patient analysis ... poetry .. and with music ... its important it needs to be done.

Partly I also push back a bit to level thins and get some reciprocity ... but you have to be really careful if you are at all vulnerable.

Good Luck with it.

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