25-09-2018 09:30 PM
25-09-2018 09:30 PM
26-09-2018 08:50 AM
26-09-2018 08:50 AM
Gracious Father
I bring before you @Adge. I pray that in his distress you will give him peace and comfort. In your mercy Lord, I pray that you will guide the treating team as to the course they should take to bring about the best outcome for Adge.
Remembering too our @Former-Member. I pray Lord her holiday will be a time of refreshing and renewal and that she will feel strengthened in both mind and body.
For our @Former-Member Lord, that you will continue to guide in relation to D.
Thank you Lord for your peace.
26-09-2018 11:00 AM
26-09-2018 11:00 AM
Amen & Amen!! xo <><<
Love You Darcy!
Precious, Woman, & Prayer Warrior, of GOD! <><<
26-09-2018 11:05 AM
26-09-2018 11:05 AM
26-09-2018 11:52 AM
26-09-2018 11:52 AM
26-09-2018 07:34 PM
26-09-2018 07:34 PM
oh dear Lord , there are soo many members here lord that we want to pray for
Lord , please hold your children in you hands like @Former-Member, @outlander, @Former-Member, @Adge, @CheerBear, @Appleblossom, @Former-Member, @eudemonism, @Holly24, @Former-Member, please wrap your arms around them and to let them know that you are with them and you will never leave us @Former-Member, @oceangirl, @Maggie and everyone in forumland as you know everyone`s heart xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
26-09-2018 07:44 PM
26-09-2018 07:44 PM
26-09-2018 11:17 PM
26-09-2018 11:17 PM
For @Adge @Former-Member @Shaz51 @outlander @Former-Member @CheerBear @Appleblossom @Former-Member
@eudemonism @Former-Member @Shaz51@Faith-and-Hope and all who need some comfort.
Bella I love your picture
27-09-2018 09:32 AM - edited 27-09-2018 09:42 AM
27-09-2018 09:32 AM - edited 27-09-2018 09:42 AM
Good Morning Everyone! xo <><< My goodness CT, is so Spiritually Supportive, & so Loving & Beautiful. I bet ABBA Father is smiling down us here is SF. I know CT, is now the only place I come to, on the whole Internet. When I need to place a, Prayer Request, & place Prayer Support, as I believe our CT is very Anointed, & 100% heart led, by The Holy Spirit of GOD!
I have been a member of many Christian sites in my 20 years on the Internet. Yet I am so PROUD of us all, & trust in everyone whom choose to post, & use our CT, here is Sane Forum. I sincerely mean this from my heart, as ABBA Father watches, in Heaven Above!
What a Blessing you all are to me, & to all whom choose, & need you/me/us!!! There sure are the most, Sincere, & Honest, Loving, Supportive, & Mighty Prayer Warrior, in Sane Forum, & Christian Thread, I believe, that I have ever had the privilege to know, & be a part of Ever! & ILlove All of You, with a Love, that Only an Amazing GOD, & ABBA Father, can give to me! Amen! & Amen! 🙂 <><<
Thank you all for being, You!
There are others, I am sorry if I have left you out, you know whom you are, & you are loved & appreciated, very much!
Love & BIG HUGS!
Edited: Add Faith-and-Hope 🙂
27-09-2018 09:35 AM
27-09-2018 09:35 AM
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