03-11-2018 08:51 AM
03-11-2018 08:51 AM
03-11-2018 02:37 PM
03-11-2018 02:37 PM
Good afternoon
Good afternoon @Former-Member @eudemonism @greenpea @Shaz51 @s-jay @Former-Member @Adge and all. I still have Not found another place to rent and only have until 1st December, hopefully i will get one this month.
03-11-2018 02:41 PM
03-11-2018 02:41 PM
How wonderful Eude, to give another Amazing Puppy with no certain future, waiting in a prison like enclosure, a forever home with you, & your Fur Babies!! The only thing I am concerned about, because you asked my opinion, is, please think about & maybe check what breed, sex, age, puppy/dog, would fit in with Mister. Reason I made the points, is that you do not want dog fights, & both dogs having temperaments that clash, causing you, & them stress, because you don't need that. You can ask your Vet, or Animal Shelter, any questions before you look at the Puppies, if you like.
I will be praying for you, & your precious animal family, you made me smile Eude, 🙂
Love & Hugs!
Bella XO 🙂 <><<
03-11-2018 02:54 PM
03-11-2018 02:54 PM
I just prayed again for you, your family, & your Fur Family. I will not let doubt, & anxiety, take away my Faith in GODS hand moving in your life, or my life, for our Good according to HIS Word, which is the TRUTH!
The LORD tells us that HE will give us more than we need, maybe just an idea, check your heart? To see if there is anyone, that you are able to forgive, & mean it, what do you think, Saturnzoon?
Sometimes this stops The LORDS will in our lives, as you already are aware of this. I will do the same for myself, then we can be free to receive! Amen! <><<
The LORDS Perfect Will Be Done!
Amen & Amen! <><<
Love & Hugs!
Bella xoxoxo 🙂
03-11-2018 03:34 PM
03-11-2018 03:34 PM
Thank you @Former-Member,
My faith is in Christ
He is my saviour, he has made me right
with him and he is working in me today,
working that righteousness From the inside
of me to the outside of me
God is working.
03-11-2018 04:15 PM
03-11-2018 04:15 PM
03-11-2018 04:32 PM
03-11-2018 04:32 PM
03-11-2018 08:14 PM
03-11-2018 08:14 PM
@saturnzoon Dear saturnzoon I said a lil prayer for you to find a beautiful rental property for you and your family. Have all my fingers and toes crossed for you xxxx
03-11-2018 11:02 PM
03-11-2018 11:02 PM
Thank you @Former-Member @greenpea @eudemonism
I believe God will come through with a house for me by the 1st December.
thank you for the prayers my friends, pea i have all my fingers and toes crossed as well.
With all our prayers, God has heard and will answer.Amen
Goodnight my friends @greenpea @Former-Member @Shaz51 @eudemonism and all CT
04-11-2018 07:35 AM
04-11-2018 07:35 AM
I love you, My Saturnzoon, JESUS Loves you More! Amen
Philippians 4-9
4Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, Rejoice. 5Let your gentleness be known to all people. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brothers & sisters, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think on these things. 9And the things you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.
Amen! <><<
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