Re: Craft Corner

im loving the sound of your blanket ! @CheerBear cant wait to see it!

Re: Craft Corner

No craft here @Shaz51 just playing in the corner lol

Re: Craft Corner

ha ha I was wondering what you were doing @TAB, pottery is good , I loved it

Re: Craft Corner

? No Im not Patrick Swayze re ghost and pottery @Shaz51 am just playing with balls of wool in corner re being a cat lol ๐Ÿ˜ธ

Re: Craft Corner

Im not crafty at all @Shaz51 I do appreciate it tho

Re: Craft Corner

I finished @outlander. It's little but it fits in her bed well ๐Ÿ˜Š (not that she sleeps in it often haha). I put a ruffle border on it which was fun and easy to make. 



Re: Craft Corner

waiting,.. waiting..... @CheerBear

Re: Craft Corner

Hi guys @outlander @CheerBear @TAB @Shaz51 @Judi9877

@CheerBear thank you very much for your reply, I love that you added the craft to our forum cheerBear, I'm going to follow your suggestion, and check out the video, as I said before I've only ever done granny squares, but want to learn more, there's lots of lovely things, I look for beginners things to make and the leaping stripes block came up, I will keep you all updated on how I'm going. I love your blanket. I did come across a hexagon instead of doing squares that I'd love to try but couldnt find a pattern for one, i will keep looking.

I  look forward to see what you are working on @outlander and @Judi9877.

@TAB it's nice to come visit, we certainly would have plenty of wool for you to play withCat Wink

@Shaz51 look forward to see what your craft is as well

Re: Craft Corner

@CheerBear that is so pretty! she would look cute sitting on it and hopefully that means you get your own blanket back

Re: Craft Corner

if your after easy techniques try out Granny stripe @saturnzoon its basically the same as a granny square only instead of going ina square itll go side to side