Re: Craft Corner

Hey @outlander. I've decided to have another go at making "Sophie's Universe" (a big crochet along project - Google-able if you're interested). I started making it a little while ago but was using the Dutch yarn I ordered from the UK. Big facepalm when I ran out lol. This time I am using yarn from Spotlight 😉 It's cotton which I find very different from acrylic and I'd love to have a finished project in it. I'll post a pic when I finish this part 🙂

Are you working on anything?

Re: Craft Corner

i had a quick look and it looks lovely but a big undertaking! @CheerBear
mm yes you have to have the yarn available to you lol.

im still making the cushion cover. i frogged it once because i over estimated it. i started before i had the cushion but now i think its abit to small but im halfway now so im going to just make the edging a little wider to join the sides and hopefully itll work ok.
im making the cover in the same yarn cake colours and stitch as the blanket so itll be like a set.

Re: Craft Corner

It's one of those projects I've been eyeing off since I finished the big Mandala blankets @outlander. It'll take a lot of time and a lot of determination but I have a bit of both(at least at the moment) so I'll get there I think 🙂

A set sounds great! It's very 👍 to hear you venturing beyond blankets and working out/adjusting as you go. You really do some natural talent and have picked this up so well. Looking forward to seeing if you share 🙂

Re: Craft Corner

i have no doubts youll be able to accomlish it @CheerBear itll take time but youll finish it.

im more into smaller projects atm. ive got enough yarn to make a double blanket when im up for it but i want to try and use some of the yarn ive got laying around. some of it is only 3ply as well so im not sure what to make with that but ive got a few yarn cakes to use plus just spare roles of yarn from previous projects.
i like playing around with the different stitches.
i was thinking about making a small lap blanket out of the squares i started making for the project you just finished-ive forgotten the name :face_with_rolling_eyes:
but making all the sqaures the same size which wont take long to do and i think i would be pretty close to having enough. id be able to have ago at joining granny sqaures together.

Re: Craft Corner

Would anyone know of a joining method for sides that are folded over like a cushion cover? So not side by side as if you were joining squares

Re: Craft Corner


hi @outlander @CheerBear @BlueBay @Faith-and-Hope @Hope4me  and all

I took a bit ofa break from my hexagon squares blanket and somethings my mum asked for when I saw her last January, as she's not doing well. I crocheted a teapot cosy and a bottle warmer, as I'm stil, learning it took me a while to try and find easy patterns for them, the tea cosy took me 3 days and I did fjjnd it a bit hard to follow the instructions.

Let me know what you all think.Teapot cosy, I have no teapotTeapot cosy, I have no teapot


bottle warmerbottle warmer

Re: Craft Corner

wow they look great @saturnzoon

@CheerBear i did it, i finsihed the cushion cover. hasnt quite worked out as well as i had hoped but still looks ok for a first attempt

Re: Craft Corner

I love it @saturnzoon! Did you change yarn each row to get the white and multicolour look?

Awesome @outlander! Any pics you'd like to share?

Re: Craft Corner

20190425_091833.jpg20190425_091851.jpg@CheerBear  @saturnzoon @Hope4me @Faith-and-Hope  and of course everyone. this is the cushion cover . i guess its not to bad for a first attempt but the back flappy part wasnt as tight as i had hoped, possibly because i ran out of yarn so it may not be long enough. might try and find a button or 2 (maybe clear in colour?) and either just add one to the middle or one of each side to help give it a tighter effect. i ended up just slip stitching the sides together through the top loops.


what do you guys think? 

Re: Craft Corner

That's fabulous @outlander! I love that you have a matching blanket and cushion. That stitch is perfect for what you've made with it.

I think a button or two is a great idea. I'd go two, one on each side probably. You could attach the button by sewing it to the flat side, then make a chain on the flappy bit to use to hook it (if that makes sense - it does in my head lol!).