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Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @Oaktree It's a Work in Progress...

I Downloaded the Pixillion Image Converter.

I did several Photo Conversions - Every one was Converted into a Bigger (Larger) File.

Even more unacceptable to Sane's System - More Rejectable.

So until I work out how to Shrink a Photo File & Make it Smaller - No Success Whatsoever.

The Forums have now missed out on literally Dozens of Photos that I could never Upload to Post.

Including many Plants that I grew myself from Cuttings & Seeds....

In the 8 years that I've been a member of Sane Forums.


Re: Good Morning!



Did you work out how to use the converter to compress your pics? I saw that you did actually post some pics on another thread

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member ..   Well mate,   there is a whole bunch of thinking to unpack in your post,  and every

bit of it has merit. .    Thank God I didn't have to front you in the school debating team.   Actually,    truth is ,  me and school never crossed paths,   So If I see the wisdom in your words,   Wonder why others can't.   Does this country even have a bill of rights ?


I worry most for the Quiet ones though.  Most people are so good at surviving.  Were the most abundant mammal on the planet.  Then all the animals that feed us.   But the trees and wild life just have to 

Quietly Take the fate we decide for them.     They were at the end of the queue  at " Rights"   bistro

and by the time we all went back for second helpings,  there was nothing left for them.

Only  4 % of the mammal bio mass on earth is wild animals.  The other 96 % is either people,

or the animals farmed to feed us.   I heard this on an ABC doco last week and just shattered me.


Well you certainly have lived a full life,  Taken risks,  questioned the thinking of others and yourself,

and accrued wisdom.   Is there any other way,  Course not..   Hope your day rewarded your thoughtfulness,  I do enjoy the depth of your letters @Former-Member   Thankyou so much..   Tonys..


Hi everyone.  I wagged  Sane school today and took the dear book keeper out for lunch.

While she was chocking down the bunnings sausage sandwich,  I wide eye ogled  the endless  isles 

for shiny things I just don't need.  I need some more useless objects for the annual curb side council junk collection. . .    Just cant have my neighbours garbage looking classier than mine. . .   L O L..


OH   God ,  I can be a depressing  Bugger sometimes hey.   Just ignore my Mischievous  senile mutterings..


I really hope with all my heart that all you poor folks that are battling this terrible heat catch a break

soon.   I'm going to wish a good summer storm for you and hope that just leave pools of hope for 

children's  play.   n all  those worries, washed away . .      bye  everyone..


@Oaktree   @Adge  @Former-Member     @Glisten  I bought bleach...  Opps.      @Emelia8  Do you know there is a  " Top Gun"   puppy school.   The best puppy's can do a negative G 9 roll over.

Well,  Give it some thought.    @greenpea   You OK mate.   @TAB  n @StuF   @Tilz   @Former-Member 

@saturnzoon @ENKELI      @Historylover  See how disciplined I am HL.  I still have'nt  asked about the. . .   well ,  you know..   But its driving me nuts...LoL  miss ya buddy.   @Shaz51  and  @Meowmy 


How was church M.  Uplifting I'll bet. 


Will try n catch up on mail tomorrow arvo.  Please be kind to the person in the mirror..              tonys.     





Re: Good Morning!

Yes thanks @Oaktree I said thanks, Yes I worked out how to compress the Photos.

Using your File Converter thingy.

That's a Photo Thread, that's why I put the pictures on there.


Re: Good Morning!

91 years old,  Bless the man,  he has certainly put in an innings for the country.   Is there someone you can share the trip with @Emelia8 .  Few stops along the way for the ploughman's lunch or a wine tasting.  Add a little spice to the trip.   It is hard when your loved one's are far away.  Thoughts are with you Emelea.


OK. . .   Confession time,  So remember when you had that dark patch a last week.  Think it was to do with the 28 th of feb many moons ago.   Well this is how my simple mind works.  My friend,   I call her the book keeper said,    now tony...   Don't badger the lady.  If she wanted to tell you what happened all those years ago. . .  she would have.   She  Grilled me with her usual,  mind my own business speech.

But here's me.  Mr Autism n brain injury,  Just can't leave it alone.  Enter Mr Google. . .

An hour later all I could come up with  was a big plane crash in Brazil ..    

So ,  I  take the risk telling you this so that in the event I have forgotten to take my meds and you get

a letter that clashes with the norm,    well I hope you will allow a little  latitude and see a funny side. 


And,   No   this is not some convoluted ploy to get you to tell me secrets. . . . .     Old tonys would not 

do such a thing, . . . .   would he, ?     kidding Emelia.  Don't tell me.


I really better get some sleep.   Apologies for my banter.    Sweet dreams friend and I hope you are 

finding your smile again..                                                         tonys.. 





Re: Good Morning!

I had a fellow adjust  in my phone settings,  the quality of the picture.  The camera in phones these days is just too damn good.   Then if they still don't go I try to crop all the edges of in the edit setting on my computor.  I struggle with tech big time too mate.  Hope I haven't made a deep hole deeper.


cheerio   @Adge                                 tonys   

Re: Good Morning!

Tablet galaxy S7
Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hey there @tonys 🙂🌺

Thanks - I really appreciate that my post landed well 🙂

I wish I was allowed onto the debate team at school - with the exuberance and somewhat healthy dose (or unhealthy, it could be argued) of self-confidence bordering on arrogance, there wouldn’t have been any more space in the atmosphere for another word after I’d be done hehe 😉 

And, herein lies yet another issue: education systems that don’t include the moral debates on current issues (with education which can be so distracting that the issues of societal relevance aren’t heard at times), including legislation (leading to the next point)…

we don’t have a Bill of Rights… here’s an interesting discussion about that as a bit of background from 2001: open lecture to the senate  which gives a summary on a few key issues that sadly some still exist today. 
There’s about a mile of references to be added arguing for systemic reform, however there’s a time and place for everything, and this is nary place nor time 🙂

And the global biomass ethics you’ve rightly mentioned adds yet another aspect that collectively isn’t being addressed, while humans seem to be forgetting that our health relies on the health of their contribution to overall ecosystem survival, of which we are a part of. 

On other very serious matters, how was your trip to Bunnings to gather some classy, premium items for kerbside collection? 🤭😉🙌🏻🌺 I couldn’t help it - sorry! 😊


Have a lovely week, and take good care 🙂🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @tonys 🤗🌹


Yes my Dad is doing well for someone who has done very physical work all his life.  Was in Army for a while when he was quite young.  But he is a farmers son, large sheep farm.  But a younger son, so had to go out and earn a living off farm.  So he got a job on other peoples farms, as a farm hand.  So I grew up on farms, but we moved around a fair bit when I was going through primary school as he moved jobs.  It was a pretty fickle industry back then.  Sheep and cropping was tough, so graziers would employ someone when times were good, but get a lean year and they could no longer afford to hire a farm hand.  So off we'd go as a family looking for work elsewhere.  A bit of a gypsy lifestyle I guess.


But yeah Dad had a stroke about 8 years back, though recovered well afterwards, thanks to Mums quick action. About 7 years ago he had a hip essentially cave in on him due to severe arthritis and degeneration.  They didn't think they had enough bone to work on, but eventually they did a hip replacement.  It was only semi successful, but at least he has been able to get around independently since then.  Sadly we lost Mum about 5 years back to breast cancer and Dad had always relied heavily on her for almost everything.  So he ended up going and living with my brother and his wife almost 4 years ago.  But he has since had 3 toes amputated, due to severe lack of circulation in his feet and legs, which further reduces his mobility.  And his hands and arms are very crippled from arthritis as well, so he is quite restricted in what he is able to do for himself. 


I was fortunate that Dad had a month up here with me for respite while my brother and his wife went away in Nov/Dec.  That was nice, for both Dad and I.  But he really is hard work and needs pretty much 24/7 supervision.  So I really think for his own safety, that it is probably time for him to be in full time care now.  Its just a matter of getting him to accept that fact.  I have been gently trying to talk him around to that since I had him with me several months ago.  But its hard for him.  I phone him and talk to him every day, but it isn't the same as actually seeing him.  He is still very with it mentally, although perhaps that makes it just a little harder in some respects.


In answer to your question, no there really isn't anyone who can share my driving to get down to visit my family down South.  I am pretty much alone up here.  All my immediate family live down South, in and around where my Dad is located.  My step son and step daughter and their respective families (my step grandkids) live about 6 hours North of here and 5 hours South of here.  And I have very few friends here.  Long story, but my late husband did not encourage friendships.  I could go by train, and that remains an option.  


Confession time @tonys ?  Oh you are funny! 💞  It was actually 29th Feb, the anniversary of my trauma.  So logically it only ever comes around every 4 years ... yay 🥂 lucky me.  But try telling your mind and body that, when you are in the throes of panic. Yeah, right. 


Your bookkeeper friend is a clever lady.  But even if I wanted to, I would not be able to divulge the nature of what occurred all the way back in 1996. Certainly not here on a social thread at any rate.  I am restricted even on my own thread.  The number of times I got into trouble over the years 😢. Which is why my thread has a permanent trigger warning on it ever since.  I guess if you wanted to know a little more, you could read the opening few posts of my personal thread?


But @tonys although I am very fortunate to have travelled fairly extensively over the years (Africa, Asia, Americas - sadly not Europe) I have thankfully not been involved in any plane crashes in the wilds of Brazil. 🙏


I hope you slept well Tonys and awoke refreshed and ready to battle the world once more.  Love to the bookkeeper who must really have her work cut out with you 🤣💕.  Never a need for apologies for good hearted fun banter.  There should be more of it.


Good morning everyone passing through this morning, and welcome to the start of another new week. 





Re: Good Morning!

Glad you saw the facetious humour.   @Former-Member .   And thats sums up what its all about. 


I was herded into the valley of steel when superannuation was foisted upon me many decades ago.

The apathetic business man.   When we curb our consumption, factory profits fall and I whinge about

my superannuation performance.  So I consume,   create shortage and demand induced inflation . . .

and I whinge . . .  Selfishness and greed and procreation are encoded in my DNA. . .   

So I grow my own few vegies,  put a green sticker on my bumper,  and squeeze another year out of 

my land fill destined, solar panels. . . .


Every road, foot path, hospital,  airport cinema I use occupies a place that was once home to other 

life,  and I am but one of nearly 9 billion.  


Its the rights of the silent creatures,  that are foremost in my nightmares.   I cannot look them in the eye and claim I really care.  A pretend dancer with pretend,  broken feet,  missing on the march to the real 

truth.    Millions of people with bills of rights,  logging deals,  fluffy feel good pieces of paper that we will tear up,  when it suits us.  . . .


We label things like,  climate change,  Good for business,  Mmmm,  might trade in carbon credit's.



Its about ,  . . . "Total Human Impact".  . . .    I am. .   therefore  regardless of the squawk from my lips,

I ,   me ,   the shareholder in the river of economics,   wake as guilty as the next man. 


Only the new-born are innocent,   and unfortunately for them,    we  all  have it coming..

   -   -   -   -   -


Well,   You present such   good   thought provoking    debate,    I just would not feel right  showing 

up with tea cake  and  Tupper Ware Talk.   Hope that's  ok  mate..


Hope you have a beautiful day  @Former-Member  



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