Re: Good Morning!

Sick to death of the ways of the world @Shaz51 

Re: Good Morning!

@eudemonism, we can let the world get to us , but it is not good

we need to look at what we have and where we are -- a lot better than other places

can you turn to something that you like doing my friend

sitting with you and sending you hugs

@greenpea, @MDT , @cutiepiekitty 

Re: Good Morning!

@eudemonism  Night eudemonism take good care of yourself and know that we all adore our friend Eude.Love peaxxx

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning to all the formites 🙂 including @Shaz51 @eudemonism @MDT @cutiepiekitty @saturnzoon @Gazza75 @Meowmy @Judi9877 @Angels333 @eth @Zoe7 @Adge @Former-Member @Molliex @Bimby2 @JosRapp @Appleblossom @TAB  @Maggie @outlander and so many others .... have a fabulous Tuesday. May it be full of love and kindness for all. Love peaxxx


Special shoutout to outlander who is going in for an operation in the next couple of days. I am sure everything will go well for you and will be thinking of you during that time. Love your friend greenpeaxxx

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning to you @greenpea I hope you have a fantastic day  xxx.




Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @greenpea @Angels333 @Shaz51 @eudemonism @MDT @Meowmy @Ant7 @outlander @BlueBay @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Gazza75 @TAB @Molliex @Maggie @Bimby2 @Melanie-cat @Maxi7 and any others


Wishing you all the best day possible. I am going to be a bit scarse on the ground over the next 10 days. Heading over to WA this morning to visit my husbands family. Although I will have limited opportunity to post, I will try to check in occasionally when possible. 


Not really feeling like travelling .. Had a throbbing headache ever since I banged my head on the edge of a steel bracket. Very sore still and big swollen ridge where I cracked it. That might teach me not to rush aye? Certainly slowed me up a bit.


Anyway .. I will be thinking of you all.


Sherry 💕🚗🚂🚇🚊🚅

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @greenpea  I hope you have a super happy pea day. 💕💕👍👍

@Angels333  Hi there. Hope you are travelling as well as can be expected. 💜💕💜

Coffee for everyone waking up.

Re: Good Morning!

Sorry about the lump on the head @Former-Member . No wonder you have a throbbing headache.

Will be thinking of you. 💜💕💜

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member  Hey Sherry going to miss you heaps but I hope all goes well for you and look forward to your return. Take care and take things easy. Love your friend peaxxx

Re: Good Morning!

@Maggie  Hey Maggie have had 3 cups already :D. I better stop now :). Hope you have a lovely day. Love peaxx