Re: Good Morning!

I'm good thanks @Ant7 . I've got to take cat to the vet this morning & was hoping to get a massage after but will have to see how long the vet takes & if I can get an appointment. I think I'll have a rest day today from exercise as my legs have that lactic acid thing going on & I've been exercising every day lately. Well done on your hike, a walk & swim sounds terrific - you're so active! Hope you have a nice day today Smiley Happy

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @Meowmy how are you going today hon? I'm taking my cat to the vet today. How's your anxiety going today? I hope you slept well. Did you see the star-jumps video I put on the other thread, you might like it. Take it easy today x

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Sounds good mate 

Re: Good Morning!

yep will be warmer soon, then asleep, best way to be this weather, this time of day

Re: Good Morning!

@BryanaCamp  Way to go with all your exercise. My mussels are not too bad just a little sore but my knees are bad but I am used to that have had bad knees for years.

Re: Good Morning!

@Ant7  Hi Ant7 and good morning 🙂 what have you got planned for today?

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea Good morning beautiful pea, glad you are in good spirits. Wish you a great day, Walk with support worker and daughter. Hope you enjoy the day and nice, pleasant and warm. Take care.

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea  I have a few jobs on around the house and that I am also going to go for a walk and a swim 😊

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Hey Meowmy wishing you a wonderful day ahead full of kindness and caring. Lots of love peaxxxxHeart

Re: Good Morning!

@BryanaCamp Good morning sweetie. Wish you a great day. Hope your cat will be okay. I am okay. Going to work soon. Enjoy the day. Take care.