Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 , looks like we posted at the SAME time! Hope you are okay.

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve finished and I’m home. @tyme. I don’t think it’s a good thing though

Re: I can’t cope

Oh! I thought you had a few night shifts @Captain24 .


I wonder if thinking it's perhaps not a good thing being at home already sets your mind up to be geared this way? I recognise it's hard at the moment, and I can relate to this cycle of thinking.


I was doing this training recently, and it was GEM training - Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. If this can be consistently practiced each day, throughout the day, it can make a huge difference to one's mental health. 


I really hope things improve for you do that you don't go into a downward spiral. You've done too much to go back. 


At the same time, I don't want to harp on something that's way too challenging for you either.

Re: I can’t cope

Shouldn’t be alone right now. I can’t be trusted. I’m going to bed. @tyme 


I’ll say it.. I’m safe


Re: I can’t cope

We posted at the same time again! @tyme 


GEM sounds similar the ACE model 


Yes I do think I may be in that cycle. But that doesn’t explain all the time I’ve had in bed where I just can’t do anything else. Every little thing is annoying me off. If I’m not careful and don’t pull my head in I could get in trouble. It’s affecting everything 

Re: I can’t cope

Hugs @Captain24 . I'm hearing you. 


Believe me, I've been down that path. Hang in there. You CAN do it. 


Please take care. Give Jett and Pix a hug and tell them what you are grateful for.

Re: I can’t cope

Oh, and thanks for saying that you're safe @Captain24 . It really helps us and the community.

Re: I can’t cope

I can say it and will no matter what I feel

Re: I can’t cope

I knew I couldn’t be trusted. More marks

Re: I can’t cope

Someone made a really interesting comment today that really got me thinking...


In life, work with a scar but don't touch a scab.... @Captain24 


Take this as whatever you will. 


There's more I want to say, but I'll leave it for now. I'm not here to criticise or judge you, but to just let you know that I've been down that path and I've got the life-long battle scars to prove it.


There is hope.