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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

I hope lunch with your Mum goes well @Snowie Sorry about your sore throat, there is so much going around right now and everyone seems to have had some sort of lurgy.


It's a bit warmer here today than yesterday so I will try for a walk.

Re: My special place

Morning @NatureLover Haven't seen you around for the last few days. Hoping things are going ok for you 💕💕



Re: My special place

Over it, over mum, over family, over everything

If I could scream on here I would

Re: My special place

Sitting with ya @Snowie 💕

Re: My special place

@Snowie 💖🫂

Re: My special place

I feel like people only talk to me when they want something.

I took my mum out for lunch the other day because it would have been her and my Dads wedding anniversary. Today I was called selfish.

I am over this life.

Re: My special place

It’s so hard @Snowie. Please know that I am listening and understanding what you are saying. 

No one deserved to be treated like that. 


My Pdoc in hospital wrote me a quote.


’Its not my fault, it was never my fault’ 


Its so hard to read it but sometimes when things are really hard I recite it to myself

Re: My special place

@Snowie you’re far from selfish, you’re amazing and caring, I know it doesn’t feel that way. Sitting with you 💖🫂

Re: My special place

Thanks @creative_writer @Captain24 @Bow 

Just spent the last hour trying to work out Mum's car insurance. She would have never been able to do it herself. But I don't do anything for her 🤦‍♀️


Going to bed.

I hope you all have a good night.


Re: My special place

Goodnight @Snowie, I hope you sleep well tonight 💖
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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