Re: My special place

I'm glad you got the news you were waiting for, @Snowie .


I'm sorry your birthday coincides with a traumatic childhood anniversary 😭


You must be feeling so stretched thin, with all the hanging on. 😥

Re: My special place

Morning @Snowie, how are you feeling after this call?

Sounds like there's still a few things to be worked out, but that it's another step forwards

Re: My special place

@Ru-bee I feel ok. At least it is better than yesterday. At least there is progress. That has to be better than nothing. A step forward is better than going backwards.

I still feel anxious, but that is more to do with sitting down with the kids and telling them what is happening. Having them react and answering their questions. 


@NatureLover I'm sorry things are chaotic. Around if you need to chat.

Re: My special place

Yeah of course, that would be a difficult conversation to have @Snowie 


When it's time to have that talk we'll be here to support you before and/afterwards if you need it ❤️

Re: My special place

Thanks @Ru-bee 

My kids are 16 and 19 so I can't 'water down' why I'm going in.

They have gone through me going into hospital before so I am hoping that they are ok this time.

If they ask any questions I am going to try and be as truthful as possible.



Re: My special place

That sounds like a good approach @Snowie, being there to answers any questions should hopefully help in their processing the situation. I hope the conversation goes as well as it can, and they're able to understand

Re: My special place

@Snowie having a variety is good for the immune system.

My faith is very important to me. I think having meaning in your life is good for your mental health.

I don’t do body mindfulness exercises in case I’m triggers them, not everything works for everyone. I find imagining myself to be in a safe place more helpful, and stretches too. The body flashbacks don’t happen as much as they used to, but I do get those rough moments.

I hope you are doing okay this afternoon. Happy to hear about the progress with the admission. I hope talking to your kids goes smoothly, I’m hearing it’s very hard. It’s a natural mother instinct to want to protect your kids. I do think it’s important to model help-seeking behaviours to kids

Re: My special place

I think having that faith and a meaning for life is great @creative_writer, especially if it helps you with your mental health.


I have been trying yoga lately specifically designed for C-PTSD. I'm not sure if it is helping, but it is not making things worse so worth a try.


Hopefully I hear from them in the next few days.


How has your day been?

Re: My special place

@Snowie honestly I think we all need meaning in life. What that meaning looks like is different for everyone.

I know my placement supervisor swears off yoga for processing emotions. I think it does help many people. I’ve tried mainstream yoga and didn’t feel like it was for me. I preferred Pilates. Haven’t tried cptsd yoga, so can’t comment.

I do hope you hear from the hospital soon💖

My day has been okay. Did some studying, took a shower and had SANE counsellor appointment. I need to sort my bag out for tomorrow, I’m not sure where my lavender sanitiser went. It’s sanitiser and aromatherapy in a bottle. You know how I’m with germs. There are probably fair amount of germs on PT

Re: My special place

I was brought up in a very non religious background. So was my husband. I do think we do need meaning in life. For me, I think it is my kids. They give me a reason to live.


I think we need to find what works for us. What works for one, doesn't mean it will work for another.


I hope connecting with the Sane counsellor helpful. Hoping too you find your sanitiser.