Re: My special place

Yes, I know, I just wasn't sure how often she came in to your house from her own unit. @Snowie 


Good luck with the issues you're trying to sort. I'm trying to sort stuff out with Telstra as well. 

Re: My special place

Her unit is connected to my house @NatureLover so even though she has her own space I still see her at least a couple of times a day. Mostly me checking in on her.

Telstra are terrible to deal with. Still haven't sorted it out.

Mum wants a new phone too since she says her's isn't working properly. The phone is fine, it is just her forgetting how to use it that is the problem. But how do I tell her that without hurting her feelings.

Thought she had lost her credit card but finally found it in her car thankfully.



Got a 3 hour round trip on Friday to take her to a funeral @Bow but I don't do enough for her. Even missing going away to the snow with the family on the weekend so I can take her.


But when other people are around she talks so much about how I help her out so much and she couldn't live without me. But when it's one on one, she is totally different.


The tears won't stop. Prn not helping. SH.


I'm sorry, just ignore all of this. Just needed to rant.

Re: My special place

Sending you a big hug @Snowie 


I'm not home...long story.

Re: My special place

I know this is so hard right now @Snowie I'm glad you're able to rant here


It sounds like these emotions are really intense right now, are you feeling safe?


I'm here with you 

Re: My special place

Hugs @Snowie  sorry it’s rough this afternoon

Re: My special place

Oh @Eve7 I'm so sorry hon.

Am here if you need to talk about it.


Re: My special place


Not really feel safe but hubby is home now so he will keep an eye on me.

Already done anyway.


Thanks @Bow 

How are you feeling about your mum going away tomorrow?


Re: My special place

We are here for you to talk to us @Snowie 🥰

Sending you lots of hugs my friend 🧡 

My mum only had dementia but she was doing that too which was hard 

Come home from the hospital and have a cry 

Re: My special place

Thanks @Shaz51 

We are only at the start of this journey so I know I shouldn't complain. I don't know how I am going to cope. I'm struggling at just this.

Re: My special place

Okay, I'm glad to hear hubby is home @Snowie 


We're here for you ❤️