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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

Ugh I'm sorry to hear that @Snowie  it's so awful when you can feel that they're just trying to get to the next patient and get you out of there. 


Sending you a hug 

Re: My special place

She is a nice gp but I hate that speech

@Ru-bee just so tired of being.


Re: My special place

What do you wish she would say instead @Snowie?

Re: My special place


Not 'you'll be alright'


I wish she would have said 'I'm listening', say it's ok, we can work through this together.

Not try to hurry me out of the room. Sometimes actions are louder then words


Re: My special place

You're so right @Snowie what a difference there is between "You'll be aright" and "It's ok we'll work through this together". One feels a bit like a back being turned on you, while the other feels like a hand that's being extended to you. 


I know it's hard to demonstrate actions in a written format, but I'm sitting with you 

Re: My special place

Thanks @Ru-bee It does help knowing that


I'm trying to make it to PGC tonight. I haven't been on it for awhile.

Hoping I can get to that point.

Re: My special place

I hope you can too @Snowie 


Let me know if there's something I can do to help to help you get there 😊

Re: My special place

Not really @Ru-bee but thank you.

Just as they say hour by hour, or min by min.


Re: My special place

Wrote something down for my psych. Have printed it off to give to her.

Do you think she would rather me email it to her before hand so she has some time to know what to say, or just give it to her in the sessions.


It is very full on stuff about the last week or so. 


Re: My special place

Would she be ok with receiving the information via email @Snowie? I know my old psych was ok with emailing her, but there were I guess boundaries. 

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