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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

Thanks @Ru-bee 

I should be used to it by now, she will never changed.

Just not dealing with it on top of everything else.


Had a ham and cheese croissant!!



Re: My special place

I think some things we never get used to @Snowie 


I love a ham and cheese croissant. What's on for the rest of the afternoon?

Re: My special place

I haven't got a lot on this afternoon @Ru-bee 

At the moment I am on the couch with the dog alseep on my legs. I wish I could sleep like her.

Had some prn and made myself a cuppa. Hoping that helps a bit.


Have you got anything on? What types of things do you like doing?

Re: My special place

I feel like that when I watch my cats sleep @Snowie. They always look like they're in such a deep restful sleep


Not too much on today either, I need to go to the supermarket later on which is not my favourite chore.


I've been doing some knitting when I get time, I'm trying to knit my dad a pair of socks for father's day but I've never knitted socks before and it's taking longer than anticipated. At this rate he'll be getting one for father's day and the other for Christmas 😆

Re: My special place

My dog likes to make little snoring sounds in her sleep @Ru-bee She will sleep anywhere.


Cats - have you got more than 2?

I've never owned a cat before. Was always brought up around dogs.


I don't like going to the supermarket either, too many people. I try and get in and out as quickly as possible. Definitely not a wanderer. Actually thats me with clothes shopping too. Get in get out.


Knitting sounds like fun. I have tried it before but only made a scarf.

Maybe it might be an IOU for Fathers Day. As they say, good things take time!

Re: My special place

Just got the two cats @Snowie I'd love to add a dog to the mix too, hopefully one day...


I'm the exact same with shopping. I find it all gets a bit overwhelming sometimes, especially when I forget the shopping list. I try to arrange my shopping list in the order I go through the supermarket, so all the fruits and veg together, the eggs and dairy next etc so I can zoom through


You're so right, can't rush quality! 😄

Re: My special place

OHHH I do the same thing @Ru-bee My shopping list is in categories depending on where it is in the supermarket.


When I go clothes shopping I normally check things out on their website first so I know whether to go into the shop or not.


So glad you have your two cats for company 

Re: My special place

I do that as well @Snowie

It gets tricky when I go into secondhand stores though, no way to check ahead and you hvae to go through all the racks. That can really take it out of me, especially the big ones like Savers

Re: My special place

That is true @Ru-bee D and I like going to Savers and also TX Max. It does take awhile to go through all their things.


I do buy a lot online too. That way I don't have to leave the house!

So much better than bumping into people and having to small talk with them.


Re: My special place


So I saw my gp this morning.

Appt. was at 9 and she was already running about 25 mins late🤦‍♀️


She asked how I was. I said I'm not going good, things aren't going well. Asked me when I see my psych next. Told her and just got the 'you'll be right till then' speech. Reach out if you need help, blah, blah, blah 😔

Guess she caught up on her runny late some. Next patient please...

My head is so exhausted


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