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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor


Yep. Feel yuck. Tough couple weeks due to family in Sydney and personal struggles. Also experienced attempted bag snatch, stolen travel card from hand and being followed. Managed really well in the moment but fell apart later.

Don't know who to talk to about anything or even if it is all appropriate to share due to triggers and people affected with own stuff.

Sorry. Lost.

Not applicable

Re: Yuck

Hi @Former-Member 

Wow, it sounds like you've had a lot going on lately! All of those things can add up and become overwhelming. Reaching out and talking sounds like a great place to start. 

I think it's really considerate that you are sensitive of other peoples triggers. In terms of what's appropriate to share, you can check out our Community Guidelines here

I hope you find support here on the forums!

Thinking of you,


Re: Yuck

Hey @ButterflyWings 


That's a really nice name and it's okay to feel yuk after heaps of stressful events.  What kind of person would you like to talk to and do you have any preferences? You never know, somewhere here might know the right person to point you towards. 

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