22-09-2018 06:25 PM
22-09-2018 06:25 PM
I am sending you the biggest hug I have BB - wish I was there to give it to you @BlueBay
I do remember all those times you cried over not seeing your Dad and all the letters you wrote to him. It is difficult to think of losing him now but you also need to saviour all those moments you spend with him - and remember that although he is not well you have re-connected and that is something you did not have last year. If this year you have re-connected with your Dad and Ayla was born - what 2 wonderful things to enter your life
22-09-2018 06:39 PM
22-09-2018 06:39 PM
Thankyou for the hug 🤗 @Zoe7 ❤️❤️
I do understand that two great things happened last year. You’re right. I need to be happy with that.
I think cause I’m tired snd after this mornings session I’m scared and fear so much. Snd also I haven’t seen my dad since his diagnosis because I’ve been sick. But this Thursday my daughter Ayla snd I will csll in to see my parents. I need yo remember the good times. But I still fear so much.
22-09-2018 06:44 PM
22-09-2018 06:44 PM
You do get tired after these sessions no matter which healthcare professional you see Hon - they bring up a lot for you so there is no wonder you are feeling like this tonight @BlueBay
Melbourne's poor effort today would not be helping your mood either lol
On a more serious note - I am happy to hear you will see your Dad this week and you have Ayla's birthday party tomorrow - as tiring as that will be it will be lovely to see her smile as well.
Hold onto those moments and try to think of them when you are feeling lost and alone Hon
22-09-2018 06:51 PM
22-09-2018 06:51 PM
I’m trying to @Zoe7 i think it’s my anxiety sbd mind is in over drive with thoughts.
I haven’t told anybody yet but when I found out my dad had heart failure I had thoughts that when he dies that I would do something too to be with him. Just me xnd him.
I haven’t told anyone except now you.
I think when the time happens I will admit myself to hospital just to be safe.
I need to change topic.
Lol yeah Melbourne losing isn’t helping!!! They’re not really my team. I just wanted them to win. I go fir western bulldogs.
22-09-2018 06:58 PM
22-09-2018 06:58 PM
Thank you for sharing that with me BB - I hope it doesn't come to that Hon and your Dad lives for some time @BlueBay
I like the Western Bulldogs too - there premiership win a couple of years ago was one of the best ones ever - apart from my Lions winning. It was such an emotional day for all playing and when Bob Brown was handed the medal I cried - but I know I wasn't the only one doing that in Australia lol
I am backing WCE to win next week - it should be a really close game - hoping so anyway. My Pop used to follow WCE so I have a soft spot for them
Will you be watching the grand final?
22-09-2018 07:03 PM
22-09-2018 07:13 PM
22-09-2018 08:40 PM
22-09-2018 08:40 PM
@Shaz51 @BlueBay @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Former-Member
It was a good game today, I wanted WC to win, I like freeoo and as west coast is in Perth to, I went for them.
I watched movies today, that I had taped, Jumunji, Star Wars and now watching Guarding the Galaxy 2, all the new ones, I''m a sci-fi fanatic, it takes me out of this reality in another.
hugs from all of us to youSending hugs your way BB, you are not alone we are all here for you
22-09-2018 08:43 PM
22-09-2018 08:43 PM
Sounds like you had a relaxing day @saturnzoon I was bored with the game today by half time but will be hoping WCE win next week.
23-09-2018 08:15 AM
23-09-2018 08:15 AM
Aw Thankyou @saturnzoon
i just saw the picture.
I’ve woken up with a headache. Slept terrible last night. Woke up quite a few times. Thinking of my dad.
I was so highly anxious that I cried myself to sleep. I’m now cooking some food for the party.
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