Not applicable

Re: Craft Corner

Okay so here is a progress report on my Marilyn DP. About half way there, with most of face done. Got more to do with outer hair plus shawl. Almost finished the most difficult bits though. Then lots of background to finish off with. That will be pretty quick though, because I will have done all the fiddly bits already.  Yes @Gazza75  our fireys do a fabulous job.  My brother is a fire captain at his local bush fire brigade .. volunteer of course.  As was my husband when we were on the farm in the Southern Tablelands.  Our biggest fires were the ones that the ACT had, which destroyed some 500 houses and resulted in 4 deaths.  That was all the way back in 2003.  But it was all hands on deck for that one, all the little outlying communities getting behind the effort to save lives, livestock and property.  A mighty effort by all of them.  We rely so much on our selfless volunteers.  Anyway ... back to my Marilyn ... here she is.  A work in progress .......... 



Diamond Painting - Marilyn WIP.jpg

Re: Craft Corner

Thanks @outlander and @Former-Member .


I have vast ammounts of rock at my farm, not many smooth river ones though.  I built a fairly low rock wall when I first got the place and was quite surprised when it showed up on satelite maps.


I think as usual with the rain its a bit hit and miss.  It's nice that it has fallen out west though.  I'm just south of Sydney and its been a very hazy week or so.  The firies and volunteers do an amazing job of keeping control of the fires when they can.  

Re: Craft Corner

wow, thats looking fab @Former-Member  🙂

Thanks for sharing.


10/10 from this judge lol 

I was worried it might be a bit to small, but, its looking great! 

Looks like a lot of colours on there as well 🙂


My farm is near Crookwell and Boorowa in a round a bout kind of fashion 🙂


I've only had one fire come kind of close since i've owned it.  I remember the 03 fires, they were really bad.

Re: Craft Corner

@Gazza75  That looks GREAT. 👍👍👍👍 Well done.

I like the beads on rocks idea. Let’s kniw how you get on. 😍😍😍

Ive been watching the fires etc on tv. Not looking good.

Take care @Gazza75 . Always nice to catch up. 💜💜


@Former-Member  👄👄👄👄 She’s looking GOOD. Very impressed. 😍😍

Re: Craft Corner

Nice to hear from you @Maggie  🙂 Heart

I probably won't get to the rocks for quite some time.. i have a pile of projects to do 🙂


Heres the rock I saw.. maybe CB will be tempted lol 😉





Re: Craft Corner

That’s lovely @Gazza75  the rock. Not unlike mosaic in a beady kind of way. 🤔🤔🤔

Not applicable

Re: Craft Corner

Thanks everyone for your comments re my Marilyn.  I have managed to do a bit more today since my last photo.  I too had started to worry about whether it was a big enough canvas @Gazza75  ... but that concern was unwarranted I believe.  Its looking good .. if I do say so myself.  Yes there are a lot of colours in this one, and many of the colours quite similar.  There are 34 colours.  And as I mentioned before there are codes which are so similar ... such as S, 5 and $. It gets easier as you start to fill the gaps though, as it becomes more obvious what colour it aught to be. 


Oh gosh @Gazza75  .. you are getting very close to my old home with where your farm is.  I am very familiar with Crookwell, I went to school there from Year 7 to 10 before we moved closer to another town in the region, meaning I changed schools half way through year 10.  I'm also very familiar with Boorowa, a number of surrounding small villages, and all the areas in between. I grew up between Crookwell and Boorowa in fact, spending most of my first 15 years on farms in the area. Even when attending school in Crookwell, we spent over an hour getting there by bus from where we lived. And then my husband and I had a farm kinda part way between Boorowa and Crookwell (not where I grew up), but we sold just over 10 years ago. So yeah, I know all that area very well.  You are lucky there have been no bushfires near you, and I hope that remains the case.  They are no fun at all.  We finally got some rain this morning!  The thunder I spoke of when I wrote here this morning, came closer and closer and finally we got quite a downpour of rain.  We got 12mms .. fantastic it was.  Water running everywhere.  Most we've had in ages it was.  That will brighten things up a bit around here, at least in the short term.  Enough rain to cause a mowing headache I suspect.  


Okay its nearly midnight ... off to bed for me.  I will try to post another update of Marilyn tomorrow if I make enough progress to warrant it.  'Night all.


Sherry 💕😴

Re: Craft Corner

Hey @Former-Member , thanks for your message.  🙂


I am very near the little town that is between Boorowa and Crooky -- on Boorowa Rd, theres only one town and it has a rather sporty name.  I'm sure you know the one 🙂  As they often say its a small world. 


The symbols do get easier to see as you fill in the space.  I sometimes wonder how I miss the symbols, usually after I change colours I will often see some of the previous colour that I have missed.  It's definitely some Homer Simpson moments at those times lol 🙂  


I framed my piriate ship one last night and pretty happy with how it looks.  I had to cut the matting to make it fit, I could of done a better job with that, but, it was my first time and I learnt a few things along the way.


Really happy you had some decent rain, and yep, it will probably give you a headache when you have to do some mowing 🙂   Hope you go some good rest and have a nice day today 🙂


Take care HeartHeartHeart

Not applicable

Re: Craft Corner

Ha ha ha ... @Gazza75  ... yes I know it well.  From my  young years on.  I used to live right near the Lachlan River, by a low level crossing, below which I learned to swim.  There used to be a very small bush school on the opposite side of the river.  Fewer than a dozen kids.  I did most of my primary schooling there.  But I used to love the regular floods of the Lachlan, which of course made the crossing inaccessible.  Thus no school.  Although there was a flying fox system which my Dad set up just above the crossing, and occasionally he would send us kids over that to get to school.  By the way, you're a Rugby boy ... do you prefer League or Union?  I know you watched the final of the World Cup on the weekend, with South Africa winning.  But I forget who your League team is, or even if you follow one?


Only two more colours left to go with my Marilyn DP.  I will finish off the shawl this morning I hope, which will only leave the dark background to go.  I might take a photo later and share.  I really hope my Dad likes his Marilyn.  His birthday is just on 4 weeks away.  I have to decide whether to mail it to him, or keep it until I am able to get back down there to visit. He lives in the Southern Tablelands btw, but is in town now, not where I grew up.


Oh fantastic ... I am so pleased you had your pirate ship framed ... its a real beauty ... definitely worthy of a frame and pride of place on a wall somewhere.  Are you keeping that one for yourself?


Sherry 🌼

Re: Craft Corner


I'm not that far from the Lachlan, I can actually go across it to get to my place which is a bit quicker, but, down a long unsealed road.  I usually go the longer way.  The lachlan has only been in flood a handful of times since i've been at my farm.  I'm always a bit gob smacked when you look at some of the previous floods that have gone through, the flood line mark is about 40-50 feet above the normal level, you can still see loads of debris 1/2 way up the tall river gums.  Catching a flying fox to school sounds like an adventure 🙂  Not sure they would let you those kind of thrill seeking things these days !  It sounds like an idealic childhood growing up around that neck of the woods 🙂


I prefer league over union.  I used to go for the Steelers when I was young, i couldn't bring myself to support St George so I jumped ship and go for Cronulla.  I 1/2 heartedly get behind St george as its often full of south coast players (ie the last time they won the comp). 


Your Dad will like Marilyn, 100% 🙂  I'm not sure about how to get it to him, maybe mail if you can't get down to see him in person.  You have so much going on that it might be easier for you and less to worry about.  You can roll up the DP as long as you don't seal it.  Just don't do it to tight and put the diamonds on the outside.  I'm going to give 2 of mine away and they will need to be transported to the UK like that which should be fine.  


My parents both seem to like the pirate ship so I will give it to them if they can find a wall to hang it on.