Re: My special place

Can you pump some music up in the car today @Snowie ?  Or a podcast? 

hoping it’s a peaceful drive for you 💕

Re: My special place

Nah will have to talk to her @Bow but a podcast is a good idea. Maybe I can find one she will like.

@NatureLover I hope the doctors can help and get something to feel better.


Re: My special place

Thanks @Snowie , this is day 9 so I'm pretty fed up with being sick. 

Let us know how it goes today... 🤞

Re: My special place

No doubt you are over it @NatureLover 

Thats a long time to be sick, especially when there hasn't been any improvement.


I really hope you get some answers today.


Better go get ready. Will let you know how it goes.

Re: My special place

Good morning @NatureLover 


Hoping that you got on well at your doctors appointment yesterday and that you start to feel better soon.

Re: My special place

Thanks so much for checking in, @Snowie . I'm going out of my mind with boredom and frustration. Am even sick of reading, for the first time in my life. 


Doctor gave me antibiotics yesterday, but no improvement yet. 


How did the long drive with your mother go yesterday? I hope it wasn't too awful 😣

Re: My special place

No doubt you are bored @NatureLover 

There is only so much we can do from bed.


Hopefully the antibiotics start kicking in soon and you start to feel better.


Drive was long. Got told that I don't show any compassion and a few other things. Felt like pulling over and kicking her out of the car. She does wonders for my MH 😢


Re: My special place

Ohhh no, @Snowie 😡 


I am so sorry you got abused for your kind deed 😣


I hope she stays away this week!! 


Thanks for your good wishes. 

Re: My special place

Already been on the phone to her car insurance for about half an hour trying to sort out some issues @NatureLover Now on to telstra.


Hard to stay away when she lives with me.



Re: My special place

Dropping some love and hugs for you @Snowie  sorry your mum was so rude on the drive. 🤗🤗🤗🤗